The Iraq war started the post-truth era. And America is to blame


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his month marks the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. While, tragically, there are almost too many victims to tally from this criminal act of America’s making, the notion of truth must certainly count as primary among them.

We must not forget how the George W Bush administration manipulated the facts, the media and the public after the horrific attacks of 9/11, hellbent as the administration was to go to war in Iraq. By 2.40pm on 11 September 2001, mere hours after the attacks, Donald Rumsfeld, the then secretary of defense, was already sending a memo to the joint chiefs of staff to find evidence that would justify attacking the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein (as well as Osama bin Laden).
Bush wanted his war and the reds were not going to stop until they got it. It was about oil. The US and Brits had agreed on how Iraq's oil was going to be split. PNAC stated that war was a tool they would use. Wars are simply about money. Money =power.
Bush wanted his war and the reds were not going to stop until they got it. It was about oil. The US and Brits had agreed on how Iraq's oil was going to be split. PNAC stated that war was a tool they would use. Wars are simply about money. Money =power.

Yes. And Democrats stood by Bush.
Yes. And Democrats stood by Bush.

Grant said that any politician who comes out against a war that is coming does so at the expense of his career.l If you do not get on board, you are not backing "our boys". Bernie was able to stay out.
The Dems were not part of the war and planning. But they did not have the guts to stand up. Every news station was pro-war. PBS backed it. Phil Donahue came out against it and his show was canceled.
It was clearly Bush's war. There was no haven for pacifists.
Grant said that any politician who comes out against a war that is coming does so at the expense of his career.l If you do not get on board, you are not backing "our boys". Bernie was able to stay out.
The Dems were not part of the war and planning. But they did not have the guts to stand up. Every news station was pro-war. PBS backed it. Phil Donahue came out against it and his show was canceled.
It was clearly Bush's war. There was no haven for pacifists.

Like today with Ukraine. Military Industrial Complex.
his month marks the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. While, tragically, there are almost too many victims to tally from this criminal act of America’s making, ]
Your tired America-hating aside, Sadaam Hussein was entirely responsible, in conjunction with France and Germany, for the conflict in Iraq.
The Dems were not part of the war and planning.
Still stupid. The Democrats in Congress took over the Iraq war effort and began funding it heavily, to the point of forcing additional funding that wasn't even requested, even after Bush had tried to declare the conflict ended.

It was clearly Bush's war.
Too funny. First you detail how everyone was pro-war except for Phil Donohue, and from that you somehow conclude that it was CLEARLY Bush's war. Turn on the light upstairs, please!
In fact, the beginning of the post-truth era was Vietnam. The reporters on the battlefield were showing what was actually going on. That was not going to be allowed again. When Iraq came along the military had complete control over the reporters and the Bush admin ran the press conferences. They told you the news, and you had no other sources.
It was about oil. The US and Brits had agreed on how Iraq's oil was going to be split.
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That redistribution wasn't necessary. The artificial scarcity caused by punishing Saddam in two wars for going rogue on his quotas jacked up the profit margins of all the oil owned by the transnationalist petrocrats.