The iron law of conquest


Nemo me impune lacessit


Throughout human history, land has been taken by force.

Borders were not decided in courtrooms or in legislatures, but on battlefields.

The fact that land (and property, and people, and resources) are be won by force and held by might is the iron law of conquest.

Fantasists ignore human nature and idiotically insist that the iron law of conquest is outdated.

Their fantasy world requires them to hold that "human rights" are inviolable and "war is illegal" unless their thought leaders say otherwise.

The iron law of conquest is reality.

The Abyssinians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Persians, the Romans, the Mongols, the Ottomans, the British, entire empires proved that might makes right.

When the nonsensical notions of foolish feminized faggots were allowed to flourish, those empires crumbled into dust - conquered in their turn, by others who proved yet again that the iron law of conquest is immutable.
Conquest is not only accepted by the strong, it's expected - by the intelligent.

Tribes, city-states, nations, and empires alike expand or maintain their boundaries through force - or the threat of force.

Not an inch of this planet is in the possession of the original inhabitants. Every scrap of the globe has been fought over, and divided between the conquered and the conquerors.

Possession is nine tenths of the law.

The ability and willingness to keep what you hold and take what you want comprises the other tenth.

There are no impotent international courts able to compel obedience to their ridiculous rulings, no pusillanimous peace treaties that hold any weight without the ability to enforce them, and no reasons at all to respect a neighbor’s "rights" if one has the power to take something they are unable to defend.

"Rights" are an illusion without the power to enforce them.

Let the weakest go to the wall.

It's the iron law of nature.

It's the iron law of conquest.