The jobs report comes out today

GDP Growth: Data from the last three Democratic and Republican administrations reveal a clear difference in performance. On average, Democratic administrations have achieved a GDP annual growth rate of 2.99%, while the last three Republican administrations have posted a lower average of 1.97%.

Let’s look at what the history and facts say about who’s better for the economy

Ds or Rs
Finally, let’s examine how the Dow Jones Industrial Index (DJIA) has fared under Democratic versus Republican presidents. When comparing the last three presidents of each party, the difference in DJIA growth is striking. Under Democratic leadership, the DJIA experienced an average growth of 138.16%. In stark contrast, the DJIA grew by 21.9% on average under the last three Republican presidents
GDP Growth: Data from the last three Democratic and Republican administrations reveal a clear difference in performance. On average, Democratic administrations have achieved a GDP annual growth rate of 2.99%, while the last three Republican administrations have posted a lower average of 1.97%.
Finally, let’s examine how the Dow Jones Industrial Index (DJIA) has fared under Democratic versus Republican presidents. When comparing the last three presidents of each party, the difference in DJIA growth is striking. Under Democratic leadership, the DJIA experienced an average growth of 138.16%. In stark contrast, the DJIA grew by 21.9% on average under the last three Republican presidents


U.S. Added 818,000 Fewer Jobs Than Reported Earlier​

818000 - 254000 = 561000 still in the hole
So what was your point little buddies?

U.S. Added 818,000 Fewer Jobs Than Reported Earlier​

818000 - 254000 = 561000 still in the hole
and the years top job hire months are right in front of us idiot

You Russians know nothing about a real economy
Why does any informed person think Rs are better at the economy?

R's demonstrably fail to live up to their ideals or promises. The Trickle Down Myth they've been pushing now for 44 years has never worked and yet it is the only thing they know.

In reality at the heart of the disagreement between the D and R approach to the economy is actually rational. In an ideal world the Conservatives retain a fiscally conservative approach, meaning to limit spending as much as they can. The D approach is to leverage the power of the commonweal to do lots of things which require spending (and taxes).

The R's are afraid the D's are going to spend us into oblivious and the D's are afraid the R's are going to let the poor starve to death on the streets.

Sure it's a caricature of either position but it is the heart of the disagreement. All the other shit that is going on is just icing on the cake. And now it's getting so integrally mixed with the social conservative/social liberal divide that it's becoming purely emotional and no longer based on economics.
R's demonstrably fail to live up to their ideals or promises. The Trickle Down Myth they've been pushing now for 44 years has never worked and yet it is the only thing they know.

In reality at the heart of the disagreement between the D and R approach to the economy is actually rational. In an ideal world the Conservatives retain a fiscally conservative approach, meaning to limit spending as much as they can. The D approach is to leverage the power of the commonweal to do lots of things which require spending (and taxes).

The R's are afraid the D's are going to spend us into oblivious and the D's are afraid the R's are going to let the poor starve to death on the streets.

Sure it's a caricature of either position but it is the heart of the disagreement. All the other shit that is going on is just icing on the cake. And now it's getting so integrally mixed with the social conservative/social liberal divide that it's becoming purely emotional and no longer based on economics.
It was always an emotional over economic reality

Let’s remember who gave us the great depression

Conservative economic theory is trash

It has NEVER performed as they claim

It’s a mask to protect the wealthy at the expense of the majority

Conservative ideas don’t do anything to help us grow as a nation and or protect most Americans

Their failed ideas should have been shed long ago and replaced with ideas that have proven to work

Republicans NEVER do that


Because it’s a bullshit ruse to fool people into voting for their own enslavement to the wealthy

The Republican Party needs to die

The Republican ideas need to be thrown in the trash

A new party needs to form that will truely try to come up with better ideas

We need to have two parties competing to out THINK each other in an attempt to create a more perfect union that all are honored in

The true plan of the founders