The JPP Cup Poll

The greatest debater on JPP is...

  • YURT, was there ever a doubt?

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • YURT, who is a GOD

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i think my #1 fan is getting weirdly obsessive with me...

You are pathetic.

BTW, google Yurt and Troll and you will find this is his usual tactic when he loses an argument.

He calls everyone expressing an opposing opinion a troll and he does it on other boards too apparently.

What a bedwetting weak weasly little tool Yurt is.

trying to track me down all over the this is what it is like to be famous and have crazy obsessed stalker fans....

do i need a restraining order :D