The Kite Runner


Well-known member
Did anyone else read this book? I just finished it in two days, I couldn't put it down. What do you think of it?
Uh-oh, I've got the feeling I'm getting clowned. My computer's all jacked what is your link about?
Ha it's just a new track off Incredibad. Raps about the Kite Runner for a sec so I thought you might find it amusing.
didnt read it but the movie was good.

I saw Slumdog millionaire and it was very good.

My hubby and son were very reluctant to watch but both ended up liking it.
The dad of one of the child actors from Slumdog just got accused of trying to sell his kid to these undercover reporters.
yeap and the older sister is seen on tape kicking the ass of the stepmother who thought of the idea.
Did anyone else read this book? I just finished it in two days, I couldn't put it down. What do you think of it?

Loved it! The Kite Runner was from the Afghan man's perspective and A Thousand Splendid Suns was from the woman's persepective. I recommend reading both of them for their yen and yang compliments. TKR was about the sensitivity and vulnerability of the Afghan Man, whereas a Thousand splendid suns was about the hidden strength of the Afghan woman. I liked them both but most people tell me the preferred the The Kite Runner.
didnt read it but the movie was good.

I saw Slumdog millionaire and it was very good.

My hubby and son were very reluctant to watch but both ended up liking it.

You've got to read Q&A. The book is a thousand times better than the movie. I read it like 3 years ago and have been anxiously awaiting the movie. The thing about Slum Dog is that I feel like the actors and Danny Boyle are getting so much of the credit but at the end of the day, it was just a perfect and compelling story. I'd have preferred something a little more true to the book.

If I didn't read teh book, I think I'd have fell in love with the movie too. My boyfriend and I had wanted to see the movie all throughout the entire month of December and looked every weekend to see if it was playing any where near us. we finally decided to just go to a theater in Princeton to see it and LITERALLY the next week it was playing EVERYWHERE until the oscars. My luck.