The Largest Used Car Lot


Verified User
I will believe the liars when they admit that:

Fewer than a hundred people actually died from coronavirus.

Florida falsely attributing deaths to coronavirus only touches on the total number of phony COVID-19 deaths reported. Every television network is taking part in a conspiracy to sell the biggest scare tactic lie they ever tried.

NOTE: Television is the largest used car lot in the world. Used car salesmen sell clunkers to their customers who can walk away. Scare tactics are the clunkers television salesmen sell to their customers who cannot walk away from tax dollar ripoffs.

The miscounting and fraudulent numbers related to the China coronavirus just keep coming. Unrelated deaths are being counted as COVID-19 related and deaths from days and weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to today’s COVID-19 mortality counts.

A CBS12 team in Florida reported:

A 60-year-old man who died from a gun shot wound to the head.

A 90-year-old man who fell and died from complications of a hip fracture.

A 77-year-old woman who died of Parkinson’s disease.

These are some of the deaths in Palm Beach County recently, and incorrectly, attributed to COVID-19 in medical examiner records.

The CBS12 News I-Team uncovered several examples in Medical Examiner reports of people counted as a COVID death who did not die of COVID.

We requested a list of all COVID-19 deaths in Palm Beach County from the Medical Examiner’s office and received a spread sheet of 581 cases.

Each person on the spreadsheet is someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

In each case line, the person’s cause of death and contributing causes of death are listed, if there are any.

The I-Team found eight cases in which a person was counted as a COVID death, but did not have COVID listed as a cause of contributing cause of death.

Not only are deaths in Florida being attributed to COVID when they are not, deaths from days and even weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to COVID as well:

Andrew Bostom

153 of the breathlessly reported "daily record n=173 C19 FL deaths" did NOT occur in the past 24hrs! ONLY date of death recording should be permitted. Reporting otherwise is irrational & immoral, stokes anti-scientific hysteria, & cannot track the outbreak meaningfully!!

Jennifer Cabrera

Florida reported 173 new deaths today. Here are the actual dates of those deaths:
7/22 – 20
7/21 – 37
7/20 – 21
7/19 – 13
7/18 – 12
7/17 – 15
7/16 – 7
7/15 – 8
7/14 – 4
7/13 – 6
7/12 – 5
7/11 – 7
7/10 – 3
7/9 – 3
7/6 – 1
7/5 – 3
7/4 – 2
7/3 – 3
7/2 – 1
6/28 – 2
2:17 PM · Jul 23, 2020

We reported this anomaly before. Deaths that occurred months ago are being added to death counts for coronavirus cases reported today.

For months the CDC has been reporting deaths that are suspected of being COVID (not confirmed) as COVID deaths. And now we know the deaths reported include deaths caused by accidents and the deaths may have occurred months ago but they are suddenly classified and reported as COVID deaths today.

Someone really needs to audit these numbers and determine the real numbers.

FLORIDA: Death Related to a Gun Shot Wound and Deaths from Weeks Ago Are Suddenly Counted as COVID Deaths in Official Mortality Reporting
By Joe Hoft
Published July 24, 2020 at 10:33am

Do not expect the MSM or anybody in the NY bum’s administration to do an audit when they know an accurate count will expose their lies.

Incidentally, anybody with the resources might compile a list for all deaths in parasite cites in the three years before the coronavirus hoax came along. Then compare the number of deaths to the total deaths in those cities putting out fake totals. I think you will find that nobody died of anything except COVID-19 in any of those cities in the past three months.

Note that headshrinkers jumped on the coronavirus tax dollar hoax by tying coronavirus to suicides.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide rates
Leo Sher
30 June 2020
I will believe the liars when they admit that:

Fewer than a hundred people actually died from coronavirus.

Florida falsely attributing deaths to coronavirus only touches on the total number of phony COVID-19 deaths reported. Every television network is taking part in a conspiracy to sell the biggest scare tactic lie they ever tried.

NOTE: Television is the largest used car lot in the world. Used car salesmen sell clunkers to their customers who can walk away. Scare tactics are the clunkers television salesmen sell to their customers who cannot walk away from tax dollar ripoffs.

The miscounting and fraudulent numbers related to the China coronavirus just keep coming. Unrelated deaths are being counted as COVID-19 related and deaths from days and weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to today’s COVID-19 mortality counts.

A CBS12 team in Florida reported:

A 60-year-old man who died from a gun shot wound to the head.

A 90-year-old man who fell and died from complications of a hip fracture.

A 77-year-old woman who died of Parkinson’s disease.

These are some of the deaths in Palm Beach County recently, and incorrectly, attributed to COVID-19 in medical examiner records.

The CBS12 News I-Team uncovered several examples in Medical Examiner reports of people counted as a COVID death who did not die of COVID.

We requested a list of all COVID-19 deaths in Palm Beach County from the Medical Examiner’s office and received a spread sheet of 581 cases.

Each person on the spreadsheet is someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

In each case line, the person’s cause of death and contributing causes of death are listed, if there are any.

The I-Team found eight cases in which a person was counted as a COVID death, but did not have COVID listed as a cause of contributing cause of death.

Not only are deaths in Florida being attributed to COVID when they are not, deaths from days and even weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to COVID as well:

Andrew Bostom

153 of the breathlessly reported "daily record n=173 C19 FL deaths" did NOT occur in the past 24hrs! ONLY date of death recording should be permitted. Reporting otherwise is irrational & immoral, stokes anti-scientific hysteria, & cannot track the outbreak meaningfully!!

Jennifer Cabrera

Florida reported 173 new deaths today. Here are the actual dates of those deaths:
7/22 – 20
7/21 – 37
7/20 – 21
7/19 – 13
7/18 – 12
7/17 – 15
7/16 – 7
7/15 – 8
7/14 – 4
7/13 – 6
7/12 – 5
7/11 – 7
7/10 – 3
7/9 – 3
7/6 – 1
7/5 – 3
7/4 – 2
7/3 – 3
7/2 – 1
6/28 – 2
2:17 PM · Jul 23, 2020

We reported this anomaly before. Deaths that occurred months ago are being added to death counts for coronavirus cases reported today.

For months the CDC has been reporting deaths that are suspected of being COVID (not confirmed) as COVID deaths. And now we know the deaths reported include deaths caused by accidents and the deaths may have occurred months ago but they are suddenly classified and reported as COVID deaths today.

Someone really needs to audit these numbers and determine the real numbers.

FLORIDA: Death Related to a Gun Shot Wound and Deaths from Weeks Ago Are Suddenly Counted as COVID Deaths in Official Mortality Reporting
By Joe Hoft
Published July 24, 2020 at 10:33am

Do not expect the MSM or anybody in the NY bum’s administration to do an audit when they know an accurate count will expose their lies.

Incidentally, anybody with the resources might compile a list for all deaths in parasite cites in the three years before the coronavirus hoax came along. Then compare the number of deaths to the total deaths in those cities putting out fake totals. I think you will find that nobody died of anything except COVID-19 in any of those cities in the past three months.

Note that headshrinkers jumped on the coronavirus tax dollar hoax by tying coronavirus to suicides.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide rates
Leo Sher
30 June 2020

Thanks for yet ANOTHER fantastic post, Flanders. Your thread starters and posts are ALWAYS interesting and insightful.
Thanks for yet ANOTHER fantastic post, Flanders. Your thread starters and posts are ALWAYS interesting and insightful.

To Steven VanderMolen: Let me thank you with my favorite compliment reserved for very few:

Kasper Gutman to Sam Spade: “You are a man of nice judgement.”
To Steven VanderMolen: Let me thank you with my favorite compliment reserved for very few:

Kasper Gutman to Sam Spade: “You are a man of nice judgement.”

Thank YOU for that very nice compliment. You really ARE a treasure amidst all the garbage that is posted on this site. PLEASE keep up your wonderful work.
I will believe the liars when they admit that:

Fewer than a hundred people actually died from coronavirus.

Another lie exposed:

. . . now we're learning the overwhelming majority of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus should really have been found negative after all.

Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative
Bronson Stocking
Posted: Aug 29, 2020 8:35 PM

Combine the testing lie with the countless cause of death statistics lies and I may have to lower my statistic to fewer than ten.

Combine the testing lie with the countless cause of death statistics lies and I may have to lower my statistic to fewer than ten.

The liars got the number of coronavirus deaths up to 200,000. The lie has been adjusted down to 9,000.

So get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths to the China coronavirus.

SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses
By Joe Hoft
Published August 29, 2020 at 7:45pm

QUESTION: How long will it take to get coronavirus deaths down to ten? ANSWER: After the election.
I hope when it's over, it turns out that you're right... that it was all a big lie and a fraud designed to get Trump voted out o office.

And I hope it works like a charm!!!! :laugh:
The liars got the number of coronavirus deaths up to 200,000. The lie has been adjusted down to 9,000.

CNN and Twitter are a tiny percentage of liars that keep a fake pandemic alive:

CNN and Twitter don’t want Americans to know the full truth about COVID-19.

CNN and Twitter Target President Trump and The Gateway Pundit – Won’t Allow Us to Share the Actual COVID-19 Numbers from the CDC Website that Don’t Fit Their Narrative
By Joe Hoft
Published August 30, 2020 at 8:23pm

Every television mouth and their ‘experts’, every congressional Democrat, every Democrat with a public voice, every federal, state, and local parasite bureaucrat, dwarf CNN and twitter, yet they are a tiny percentage of this country’s population.

NOTE: Television mouths earned their keep twice over.

1. The liars got tens of millions of Americans to lie to themselves.

2. The liars frightened influential Americans who know the truth into keeping their mouths shut.

CNN is only one television network. The entire television industry is guilty of selling the biggest lie they ever told in order to give the government never-ending control over the America people. And they did it to enrich the Parasite Class. From now on every time an American sneezes the scum bags in Congress will legislate more trillions of tax dollars for socialized medicine not only here but worldwide.

Finally, I would not be surprised if the United Nations is working with China. Blame China is a key component in the strategy. If you doubt me, our government now has nearly as much political control over the American people as the Communist Party has over China’s people.

The only way China is responsible for COVID-19 is because the New World Order crowd is working for the United Nations. They are behind everything bad that happened —— the lock downs, the violence, the murders, disarming the police, and forcing Americans to wear masks that harm the people who wear them as well as masks increase coronavirus’ strength.


U.S.—In what can only be described as a huge win for the Biden Administration's COVID plan, CNN revealed this week that the total number of COVID deaths is actually going down.

"This is really, uh, quite something," said CNN anchor John King as the infamous COVID death counter rapidly ticked downward behind him. "Only a few days into the Biden presidency, and total deaths are already decreasing! We're not sure if it's Biden's brilliant mask mandate or his flawless vaccine delivery execution, but people across the country seem to be rising from their graves at a rapid pace-- over 200,000 just yesterday."

CNN executives are currently considering announcing the end of the COVID crisis in America. "At this point, I think we have better things to talk about," said CNN President Jeff Zucker. "Now that empathy and competence have returned to the White House, there's nothing really to report here anymore."

CNN has announced they will be pulling their COVID field reporters to cover the Biden family dogs and Jill Biden's exquisite wardrobe.

Miracle: CNN COVID Death Counter Begins Counting Backward
January 22nd, 2021

My statistic is fact.

Combine the testing lie with the countless cause of death statistics lies and I may have to lower my statistic to fewer than ten.
I will believe the liars when they admit that:

Fewer than a hundred people actually died from coronavirus.

Florida falsely attributing deaths to coronavirus only touches on the total number of phony COVID-19 deaths reported. Every television network is taking part in a conspiracy to sell the biggest scare tactic lie they ever tried.

NOTE: Television is the largest used car lot in the world. Used car salesmen sell clunkers to their customers who can walk away. Scare tactics are the clunkers television salesmen sell to their customers who cannot walk away from tax dollar ripoffs.

The miscounting and fraudulent numbers related to the China coronavirus just keep coming. Unrelated deaths are being counted as COVID-19 related and deaths from days and weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to today’s COVID-19 mortality counts.

A CBS12 team in Florida reported:

A 60-year-old man who died from a gun shot wound to the head.

A 90-year-old man who fell and died from complications of a hip fracture.

A 77-year-old woman who died of Parkinson’s disease.

These are some of the deaths in Palm Beach County recently, and incorrectly, attributed to COVID-19 in medical examiner records.

The CBS12 News I-Team uncovered several examples in Medical Examiner reports of people counted as a COVID death who did not die of COVID.

We requested a list of all COVID-19 deaths in Palm Beach County from the Medical Examiner’s office and received a spread sheet of 581 cases.

Each person on the spreadsheet is someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

In each case line, the person’s cause of death and contributing causes of death are listed, if there are any.

The I-Team found eight cases in which a person was counted as a COVID death, but did not have COVID listed as a cause of contributing cause of death.

Not only are deaths in Florida being attributed to COVID when they are not, deaths from days and even weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to COVID as well:

Andrew Bostom

153 of the breathlessly reported "daily record n=173 C19 FL deaths" did NOT occur in the past 24hrs! ONLY date of death recording should be permitted. Reporting otherwise is irrational & immoral, stokes anti-scientific hysteria, & cannot track the outbreak meaningfully!!

Jennifer Cabrera

Florida reported 173 new deaths today. Here are the actual dates of those deaths:
7/22 – 20
7/21 – 37
7/20 – 21
7/19 – 13
7/18 – 12
7/17 – 15
7/16 – 7
7/15 – 8
7/14 – 4
7/13 – 6
7/12 – 5
7/11 – 7
7/10 – 3
7/9 – 3
7/6 – 1
7/5 – 3
7/4 – 2
7/3 – 3
7/2 – 1
6/28 – 2
2:17 PM · Jul 23, 2020

We reported this anomaly before. Deaths that occurred months ago are being added to death counts for coronavirus cases reported today.

For months the CDC has been reporting deaths that are suspected of being COVID (not confirmed) as COVID deaths. And now we know the deaths reported include deaths caused by accidents and the deaths may have occurred months ago but they are suddenly classified and reported as COVID deaths today.

Someone really needs to audit these numbers and determine the real numbers.

FLORIDA: Death Related to a Gun Shot Wound and Deaths from Weeks Ago Are Suddenly Counted as COVID Deaths in Official Mortality Reporting
By Joe Hoft
Published July 24, 2020 at 10:33am

Do not expect the MSM or anybody in the NY bum’s administration to do an audit when they know an accurate count will expose their lies.

Incidentally, anybody with the resources might compile a list for all deaths in parasite cites in the three years before the coronavirus hoax came along. Then compare the number of deaths to the total deaths in those cities putting out fake totals. I think you will find that nobody died of anything except COVID-19 in any of those cities in the past three months.

Note that headshrinkers jumped on the coronavirus tax dollar hoax by tying coronavirus to suicides.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide rates
Leo Sher
30 June 2020

Trump...without a doubt the worst president we've ever had.

And his supporters are jerk-offs to the nth degree.

Oh, yeah...about covid... sure not to fall for that vaccination nonsense. You do not need one.

What a fucking asshole you are, Flanders!
I will believe the liars when they admit that:

Fewer than a hundred people actually died from coronavirus.

Florida falsely attributing deaths to coronavirus only touches on the total number of phony COVID-19 deaths reported. Every television network is taking part in a conspiracy to sell the biggest scare tactic lie they ever tried.

NOTE: Television is the largest used car lot in the world. Used car salesmen sell clunkers to their customers who can walk away. Scare tactics are the clunkers television salesmen sell to their customers who cannot walk away from tax dollar ripoffs.

The miscounting and fraudulent numbers related to the China coronavirus just keep coming. Unrelated deaths are being counted as COVID-19 related and deaths from days and weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to today’s COVID-19 mortality counts.

A CBS12 team in Florida reported:

A 60-year-old man who died from a gun shot wound to the head.

A 90-year-old man who fell and died from complications of a hip fracture.

A 77-year-old woman who died of Parkinson’s disease.

These are some of the deaths in Palm Beach County recently, and incorrectly, attributed to COVID-19 in medical examiner records.

The CBS12 News I-Team uncovered several examples in Medical Examiner reports of people counted as a COVID death who did not die of COVID.

We requested a list of all COVID-19 deaths in Palm Beach County from the Medical Examiner’s office and received a spread sheet of 581 cases.

Each person on the spreadsheet is someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

In each case line, the person’s cause of death and contributing causes of death are listed, if there are any.

The I-Team found eight cases in which a person was counted as a COVID death, but did not have COVID listed as a cause of contributing cause of death.

Not only are deaths in Florida being attributed to COVID when they are not, deaths from days and even weeks ago are suddenly being attributed to COVID as well:

Andrew Bostom

153 of the breathlessly reported "daily record n=173 C19 FL deaths" did NOT occur in the past 24hrs! ONLY date of death recording should be permitted. Reporting otherwise is irrational & immoral, stokes anti-scientific hysteria, & cannot track the outbreak meaningfully!!

Jennifer Cabrera

Florida reported 173 new deaths today. Here are the actual dates of those deaths:
7/22 – 20
7/21 – 37
7/20 – 21
7/19 – 13
7/18 – 12
7/17 – 15
7/16 – 7
7/15 – 8
7/14 – 4
7/13 – 6
7/12 – 5
7/11 – 7
7/10 – 3
7/9 – 3
7/6 – 1
7/5 – 3
7/4 – 2
7/3 – 3
7/2 – 1
6/28 – 2
2:17 PM · Jul 23, 2020

We reported this anomaly before. Deaths that occurred months ago are being added to death counts for coronavirus cases reported today.

For months the CDC has been reporting deaths that are suspected of being COVID (not confirmed) as COVID deaths. And now we know the deaths reported include deaths caused by accidents and the deaths may have occurred months ago but they are suddenly classified and reported as COVID deaths today.

Someone really needs to audit these numbers and determine the real numbers.

FLORIDA: Death Related to a Gun Shot Wound and Deaths from Weeks Ago Are Suddenly Counted as COVID Deaths in Official Mortality Reporting
By Joe Hoft
Published July 24, 2020 at 10:33am

Do not expect the MSM or anybody in the NY bum’s administration to do an audit when they know an accurate count will expose their lies.

Incidentally, anybody with the resources might compile a list for all deaths in parasite cites in the three years before the coronavirus hoax came along. Then compare the number of deaths to the total deaths in those cities putting out fake totals. I think you will find that nobody died of anything except COVID-19 in any of those cities in the past three months.

Note that headshrinkers jumped on the coronavirus tax dollar hoax by tying coronavirus to suicides.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide rates
Leo Sher
30 June 2020

The I-Team took our findings to the Palm Beach County Medical Examiner's office, and Operations Manager Paul Petrino said the eight we flagged were in fact errors, and should not have been on their spreadsheet.

I will believe the liars when they admit that:

Fewer than a hundred people actually died from coronavirus.

Wow. That's a really good conspiracy theory. Why do you think Trump lied about it? Why do you think Trump spent billions on a vaccine for a nonexistent disease?​