The Leader speaks

I woiuld posit that we are seeing a new Age of Enlightenment that began on Jan. 20, 2025.

Not everyone is enlightened though.

The far left remains in darkness…brooding and whining.

They still don’t know what hit them.
I woiuld posit that we are seeing a new Age of Enlightenment that began on Jan. 20, 2025.

Not everyone is enlightened though.

The far left remains in darkness…brooding and whining.

Let them wail and gnash their teeth in the outer darkness. They shall be dealt with on the day of reckoning.

Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell…this is what awaits these far left loons.

The Ninth Circle of Hell. In Dante's Inferno, each downward ...
The ninth circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno is the final circle and is reserved for the worst sinners, those who betrayed loved ones, friends, country, or masters. The circle is also known as the circle of treachery.
Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell…this is what awaits these far left loons.

View attachment 41541
The ninth circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno is the final circle and is reserved for the worst sinners, those who betrayed loved ones, friends, country, or masters. The circle is also known as the circle of treachery.

I prefer to torment them right here in America, where I can join in the fun, Earl.