APP - The left always knew they were going to cheat on election night

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
They just didn't think they would have to go to such great lengths to do it. First they thought their bogus polls would be enough to dissuade Trump voters from going to the polls. But, then the results started coming in.

It was looking like a Trump electoral landslide. The betting markets shifted big time to Trump. The Chinese Yuan collapsed.

In any other year, FL, TX, GA, NC, OH, MI, PA would have been called for Trump on election night and in some cases before 10PM and he would have been declared the victor. That is how sweeping his victory was on Tuesday night. Even JPP leftists know it. I was here. I saw their posts. They were despondent. Even they didn't know the levels to which their party would go to steal an election. One has to wonder how that makes them feel. Are they truly people who will support a party that will do anything at all costs to win?

So once they saw that Trump was on his way to winning, they sprung their plan into action. The media stopped calling states, particularly for Trump. Fox News called Arizona for Biden while people were still in line. Pennsylvanian miraculously stops counting. Big democrat cities in Wisconsin and Michigan slowed counting to a crawl. Why? They needed to buy time to get more "ballots" and VOILA they all show up at 4AM and miraculously 100% of them vote for Biden. Statistically impossible unless you live in Saddam Hussein's Iraq or the Soviet Union.

The left always knew they were going to need to cheat to win this election. That is why they were OK keeping Buyden hidden away in his basement. What they didn't count on was the great lengths to which they would have to go. They didn't think they would have to make it this obvious.

Think about this. Election night was a disaster for the democrats. An unmitigated disaster. Across the board they thought this would be a repudiation of Trump. They were supposed to crush Trump by 12 points. Didn't happen. They were supposed to take back the Senate. Isn't gonna happen. They thought they were going to increase their seats in the House by 15 or more. That isn't going to happen and it looks like they are going to have fewer seats.

I don't know the outcome of this election. I am hopeful that Trump can expose their crimes and cheating. I think he should do a rally :)

But, I do know this. The American people have been awakened to the depravity of the left. And they aren't going back to sleep. You can count on that