APP - The left are the real fascists


Former Vice President
As I have posted before, whenever you see a leftist accuse a conservative of something, you can guarantee is is behavior the leftist is doing.

One example is how the left feels it is within their right to assault people for simply wearing a MAGA hat. The left deems it a symbol of racism because they deem Trump a racist. That is how fascists throughout history have worked. It is how Hitler worked. Yes, I am comparing leftists to Nazis because that is what they are. Remember, Hitler was a socialist like AOC.

The kid from Covenant Catholic was singled out by an ex con and a fraud simply because he wore a hat. In my estimation he handled himself admirably. And look what has happened to him by the leftist media?

We are inching closer and closer to a civil war and it will be started by the left simply because they didn't get their way in one election. God help us if they ever assume power. Fortunately they will never be able to disarm us and we will fight back with everything we have. It will be bloody. It will be ugly. But, as Thomas Jefferson said

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure.