As we march towards narcissistic mediocrity, the left is also using terms to avoid describing reality.
These are the dishonest efforts used to mask their real agenda of turning this nation into a third world shit hole:
Undocumented immigrant. WRONG. They are correctly called ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Gender affirming care WRONG. It's called genital mutilation and child abuse.
LGBTQ rights WRONG. It's called LGBTQ AGENDA. Everyone has rights.
LGBTQ Another word for mental illness.
Non-binary Another word for gender confusion and mental illness.
Climate Change Weather.
Settled science Another way of saying shut up.
Pro-Choice Another term for child genocide or birth control.
Religious Extremists Another way to say Christians or Conservatives.
War on Women This one is rather ironic in that they support transexuals who are ruining women's sports. But this is another way of saying Republicans don't like women.
Compromise This means their way or the highway. Democrats believe that compromise is a way of forcing their agenda down everyone's throats.
No one is above the law Which for them means, only Democrats can be above the law.
Diverse Means anyone but conservatives, Christians and Trump voters.
Disinformation Any idea that varies from the accepted leftist position of the day
Gun Reform This means gun control and confiscation.
Diversity Programs This has many definitions: racial quotas, discrimination against whites, minority hiring quotas and lowered standards
Immigration Reform Amnesty for illegal aliens
food insecure households Too lazy to work
Targeted Spending Pork to buy votes from low information citizens.
Sustainable Economy Marxism
The Greater Good Redistribution of wealth from those who work, to those who vote Democrat.
These are the dishonest efforts used to mask their real agenda of turning this nation into a third world shit hole:
Undocumented immigrant. WRONG. They are correctly called ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Gender affirming care WRONG. It's called genital mutilation and child abuse.
LGBTQ rights WRONG. It's called LGBTQ AGENDA. Everyone has rights.
LGBTQ Another word for mental illness.
Non-binary Another word for gender confusion and mental illness.
Climate Change Weather.
Settled science Another way of saying shut up.
Pro-Choice Another term for child genocide or birth control.
Religious Extremists Another way to say Christians or Conservatives.
War on Women This one is rather ironic in that they support transexuals who are ruining women's sports. But this is another way of saying Republicans don't like women.
Compromise This means their way or the highway. Democrats believe that compromise is a way of forcing their agenda down everyone's throats.
No one is above the law Which for them means, only Democrats can be above the law.
Diverse Means anyone but conservatives, Christians and Trump voters.
Disinformation Any idea that varies from the accepted leftist position of the day
Gun Reform This means gun control and confiscation.
Diversity Programs This has many definitions: racial quotas, discrimination against whites, minority hiring quotas and lowered standards
Immigration Reform Amnesty for illegal aliens
food insecure households Too lazy to work
Targeted Spending Pork to buy votes from low information citizens.
Sustainable Economy Marxism
The Greater Good Redistribution of wealth from those who work, to those who vote Democrat.