APP - The left doesn't realize it, but President Trump has set them up again

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It is funny hearing the left lose their collective minds over Trump's interview with left wing Clinton supporter George Stephanopolous. They think he has now admitted to conspiring with the Russians to steal the election from Crooked Hillary. It does not

But this is how he has set them up. They are now boxed in a corner. It will soon become clear for all to see that the Hillary Clinton campaign used a cutout in Perkins Coie to pay a foreign national to get Russian dirt on Donald Trump which then becomes the Steele Dossier which is then used to obtain FISA warrants and spy on a Presidential campaign

President Trump knows exactly what he is doing and it is very enjoyable watching leftists run around with their hair on fire not even seeing their hypocrisy.

When Crooked Hillary did it, it was "oppor research"

Cue the popcorn
When was the Trump campaign spied upon? When the FISA warrant was granted to surveil Carter Page, he wasn't with the Trump campaign. Or are you talking about that time when Obama put a listening device in Trump's microwave?

Repeating non facts on your part won't make them facts.
When specifically was the Trump campaign spied upon?

When we have dispensed with this lie on your part and you finally admit you have no evidence of Trump being spied upon we can move on to the other multiple lies in this statement of yours.
When was the Trump campaign spied upon? When the FISA warrant was granted to surveil Carter Page, he wasn't with the Trump campaign. Or are you talking about that time when Obama put a listening device in Trump's microwave?

Repeating non facts on your part won't make them facts.
When specifically was the Trump campaign spied upon?

When we have dispensed with this lie on your part and you finally admit you have no evidence of Trump being spied upon we can move on to the other multiple lies in this statement of yours.

It would appear that you are factually incorrect on a number of points. I won't do you the unkindness of calling you a liar however because we are in APP

First of all. Candidate Trump mentioned Carter Page's name in March of 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

Secondly, a FISA Warrant was declined in June 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

Lastly the actual FISA Warrant was obtained in October 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

So while technically, it was granted after he left the campaign, they attempted to spy on them while he was with them. And regardless they used him as a predicate to spy on the campaign. On a final note, the FBI thought that Carter Page was such a threat to our national security that they needed to get a FISA warrant on a US Citizen; yet he was NEVER charged with ANY crime. Any real American patriot would question that.
It is funny hearing the left lose their collective minds over Trump's interview with left wing Clinton supporter George Stephanopolous. They think he has now admitted to conspiring with the Russians to steal the election from Crooked Hillary. It does not

But this is how he has set them up. They are now boxed in a corner. It will soon become clear for all to see that the Hillary Clinton campaign used a cutout in Perkins Coie to pay a foreign national to get Russian dirt on Donald Trump which then becomes the Steele Dossier which is then used to obtain FISA warrants and spy on a Presidential campaign

President Trump knows exactly what he is doing and it is very enjoyable watching leftists run around with their hair on fire not even seeing their hypocrisy.

When Crooked Hillary did it, it was "oppor research"

Cue the popcorn

It would appear that you are factually incorrect on a number of points. I won't do you the unkindness of calling you a liar however because we are in APP

First of all. Candidate Trump mentioned Carter Page's name in March of 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

Secondly, a FISA Warrant was declined in June 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

Lastly the actual FISA Warrant was obtained in October 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

So while technically, it was granted after he left the campaign, they attempted to spy on them while he was with them. And regardless they used him as a predicate to spy on the campaign. On a final note, the FBI thought that Carter Page was such a threat to our national security that they needed to get a FISA warrant on a US Citizen; yet he was NEVER charged with ANY crime. Any real American patriot would question that.

Game, set, match. :good4u:
It would appear that you are factually incorrect on a number of points. I won't do you the unkindness of calling you a liar however because we are in APP

First of all. Candidate Trump mentioned Carter Page's name in March of 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

Secondly, a FISA Warrant was declined in June 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

Lastly the actual FISA Warrant was obtained in October 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below

So while technically, it was granted after he left the campaign, they attempted to spy on them while he was with them. And regardless they used him as a predicate to spy on the campaign. On a final note, the FBI thought that Carter Page was such a threat to our national security that they needed to get a FISA warrant on a US Citizen; yet he was NEVER charged with ANY crime. Any real American patriot would question that.

Suddenly attempting to do something is the same thing as doing it? You said they spied on the Trump campaign. Now you admit that they did no such thing.
Game, set, match. :good4u:

Yeah, it had to be that microwave that Obama was using to spy on Trump.

Page was not with Trump campaign in October of 2016.

The WorldTribune story provides no evidence. It is only based on an unnamed source and claims the Obama administration attempted to get a FISA warrant. FISA warrants are done by the FBI not an administration. The WH can't get FISA warrants. Let me know when you find the FISA warrant application. It should be easy to do with the GOP Senate all over this investigation. The 2 year old story by the WT is looking pretty bogus based on all the evidence in the public since then.
It would appear that you are factually incorrect on a number of points. I won't do you the unkindness of calling you a liar however because we are in APP

First of all. Candidate Trump mentioned Carter Page's name in March of 2016. You will find verifiable proof in the link below
This story is actually about the Trump administration claiming Page had almost nothing to do with the campaign. USA Today is attempting to dispute the claim that Page was not involved in the campaign by pointing out Trump mentioned his name several times in a single interview. It's kind of funny how the FBI spied on Trump by surveilling a person that Trump claims had little or nothing to do with the campaign.
This story is actually about the Trump administration claiming Page had almost nothing to do with the campaign. USA Today is attempting to dispute the claim that Page was not involved in the campaign by pointing out Trump mentioned his name several times in a single interview. It's kind of funny how the FBI spied on Trump by surveilling a person that Trump claims had little or nothing to do with the campaign.

Yes, Page had very little to do with the campaign and wasn't with them long which makes using him to spy on the campaign even more egregious.

Don't worry. Bill Barr is on the case
Yes, Page had very little to do with the campaign and wasn't with them long which makes using him to spy on the campaign even more egregious.

Don't worry. Bill Barr is on the case

I am curious how you think they spied on the campaign when they spied on someone that had nothing to do with the campaign. Did they also spy on the campaign when they bugged the phones of the Russian embassy?
Its hilarious to hear the play-by-play of “the left is being set up”.

It would be wonderful to hear the master strategists on the board here tell us what the next move will be if there is some sort of “game” afoot.