The left hates victim blaming right? So they should be outraged by this

Apparently Tebow is being blamed for nothing doing enough to stop the media hype that surrounds him. How is he suppose to do that? Here's a case of a lady being raped and blamed for it because she wore a short skirt. No different. Tebow can now make the media less interested in him? He hasn't even spoken to them directly since going the jags but he isn't doing enough?

Good point.

America is regressing rapidly now.

Apparently Tebow is being blamed for nothing doing enough to stop the media hype that surrounds him. How is he suppose to do that? Here's a case of a lady being raped and blamed for it because she wore a short skirt. No different. Tebow can now make the media less interested in him? He hasn't even spoken to them directly since going the jags but he isn't doing enough?

Who the hell is Teblow?
I don't think anyone can deny Tim Tebow the history he was able to create as a winner in college football- AS A QUARTERBACK. Or another way to put it, AS A SUCCESSFUL SKILLED ATHLETE!

However, many might question his capability to take his athleticism of his successful college days and use it in another position- such as TIGHT END.

I don't want to risk embarrassing myself by making a prediction. SO for me, I'll just watch and see. I wish him a lot of luck! At 250 lbs., he will make for a large target on the field, and that is the kind of Tight End you want- Big target! TEBOW of past, was kind of a game maker because of his undying no-holds-barred approach and desire to win. That can transform to any position on the field. And how many Tight ends are game makers today for heaven's sake? I mean, stranger things have happened in the history of football than this. All I am sayin'!

I have to give him credit for bravery- as not many football players would want to endure a change like that after being out of the league for so long to boot.

I do not have personal opinions about his religious or political views either, but rather just sports opinions.
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I don't think anyone can deny Tim Tebow the history he was able to create as a winner in college football- AS A QUARTERBACK. Or another way to put it, AS A SUCCESSFUL SKILLED ATHLETE!

However, many might question his capability to take his athleticism of his successful college days and use it in another position- such as TIGHT END.

Me, I'll just watch and see. I wish him a lot of luck!

I have to give him credit for bravery- not many would want to endure a change like that after being out of the league for so long to boot.

I do not have personal opinions about his religious or political views either, but rather just sports opinions.
It will be interesting to see how he does. He could have played this position back in 2013, but decided it was either be a quarterback or quit, so he quit.
It will be interesting to see how he does. He could have played this position back in 2013, but decided it was either be a quarterback or quit, so he quit.

I know it don't make a lot of sense, but some quarterbacks that had prefect records in college did not even make the cut going into the NFL, and even some made the cut, proved to not be able to make the adjustment from college to the NFL. This is a phenomena really!

I think Tim Tebow was one of those who may not make it as an NFL quarterback.

TIGHT END? Let's just see!