APP - The left is becoming unhinged with fear


Former Vice President
One of my favorite things to watch these days is Morning Shmo on PMSNBC. It is amazing to watch them become Cold Warriors all of a sudden and every other word is "former KGB agent Vladimir Putin"

Now of course when Romney said Russia was the greatest geopolitical threat we faced, he was derided not only by members of this board but the United States President who famously said

"Mr Romney, the 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back". So, are lefties now admitting Romney was right and Obama was wrong? Or are they merely (as I suspect) being political opportunists?

Additionally, whatever happened to Crooked ILLary's Russian reset?

It is clear the left is afraid Trump can win and they are pulling out all of the stops to try to protect Crooked ILLary. This is their fault. They thought they were picking the GOP nominee when they went all in for Trump and then would turn on him like they did with Dole, McShamnesty and Romney. Now it is backfiring on them. What they don't realize is that they could not have nominated a more flawed candidate than Crooked ILLary.

If Scalia had not died, I would not be voting for Trump. But for me, I don't care about anything else but the Supreme Court. If Trump can stack the court with solid Thomas/Scalia clones then our rights will be protected for generations and that is worth anything else he does in my view.