APP - The left wing spin is truly astounding

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So some Russian offers dirt on Hillary to Donald Trump. They have a meeting and promptly walk out because no dirt was forth coming. To leftists this is the end of the republic and the subject of years worth of multiple investigations


Hillary Clinton hires a law firm (doesn't disclose what she is going on FEC forms) who then hires a foreign national who then goes to Russia to dig up dirt on a Presidential candidate to influence an election and that isn't the end of the republic but opposition research? This is like someone hiring a lawyer, who then hires a guy who then has another guy murder someone and the person who hired the lawyer claiming "Im innocent of murder"

This whole line of reasoning falls apart in that one is passive in the case of President Trump and the other is PROACTIVE in the case of Crooked Hillary.

The other lefty spin that I find quite amusing is the "Yeah, but Steele took his information right to the FBI" story. This whole line of reasoning is irrelevant and falls. It doesn't mitigate the first part in that the Clinton campaign used a cutout to get Russian dirt on Donald Trump unless they are trying to argue that the entire reason for hiring Steele was to investigate on behalf of the FBI. Which then raises other questions about the FBIs role in all of this

The good news is that leftists are now on record admitting that Crooked Hillary Clinton paid a cutout to hire a foreign national who then dug up Russian dirt on a political candidate. That is a big admission and we should acknowledge that as it will be crucial in the months ahead. There is no walking that back

It is OK. AG Barr will explain it all in due course
So some Russian offers dirt on Hillary to Donald Trump. They have a meeting and promptly walk out because no dirt was forth coming. To leftists this is the end of the republic and the subject of years worth of multiple investigations


Hillary Clinton hires a law firm (doesn't disclose what she is going on FEC forms) who then hires a foreign national who then goes to Russia to dig up dirt on a Presidential candidate to influence an election and that isn't the end of the republic but opposition research? This is like someone hiring a lawyer, who then hires a guy who then has another guy murder someone and the person who hired the lawyer claiming "Im innocent of murder"

This whole line of reasoning falls apart in that one is passive in the case of President Trump and the other is PROACTIVE in the case of Crooked Hillary.

The other lefty spin that I find quite amusing is the "Yeah, but Steele took his information right to the FBI" story. This whole line of reasoning is irrelevant and falls. It doesn't mitigate the first part in that the Clinton campaign used a cutout to get Russian dirt on Donald Trump unless they are trying to argue that the entire reason for hiring Steele was to investigate on behalf of the FBI. Which then raises other questions about the FBIs role in all of this

The good news is that leftists are now on record admitting that Crooked Hillary Clinton paid a cutout to hire a foreign national who then dug up Russian dirt on a political candidate. That is a big admission and we should acknowledge that as it will be crucial in the months ahead. There is no walking that back

It is OK. AG Barr will explain it all in due course
