The Left's Edited Version of our Constitution's PREAMBLE


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If the 52-word Preamble were to be written today by Leftist woke, phobic-fearing, CRT, DEI alphabet mafia, it might read like this:

"We/They/Them, humans, trans-humans and fluid non-identifiers of this Confederation of trespassing Colonizers, endeavoring to live out our truth, have stolen these lands of Indigenous people to whom we really owe an apology and reparations, but shall leave the national karma to citizens of the 21st century to deal with,

"In order to pave the way for a responsibly sourced, fair-trade-based community, do hereby establish social justice, ensure domestic partnerships, diversity, inclusion and forced equity,

"Provide for the common defense [insert "guaranteed monthly income"] because defense implies structural aggression, which we do not condone, and since people are fundamentally good, we expect the government to sustain, mollycoddle and provide at no cost, pretty much everything.

"Promote welfare (we very much support more welfare).

"Defund the police and all common defense forces because the mere presence of law enforcement makes us feel threatened and unsafe,

"The blessings [wait, scratch "blessings"] because that implies a 'Blesser' whom we know to be the product of a homophobic, cis-gender haters of European descent, a being they call 'God,' but they no longer speak for everyone!

"Therefore, as we promote a non-white, gender-free reality, based on sustainable and universally proud and inclusive practices, we/ourselves/themselves/itselves and our posterity.

"Since overpopulation has harmed the environment, and because a birthing person has a right to terminate her/hiss/their pregnancy at any time up to and including after delivery, I think we can all breathe easier knowing that the burden of children is one form of human enslavement that birthing persons are legally protected from.

"Plus, marriage--as straights defined it--was basically a form of state-sanctioned indentured servitude, we have matured beyond that."

Our governing structure, having stood as the most successful in history for a quarter millennium is scorned and castigated by Leftist Democrats today. The policies of the modern Democrat party have consistently amounted to a cultural wrecking ball since the late 1960s.
If the 52-word Preamble were to be written today by Leftist woke, phobic-fearing, CRT, DEI alphabet mafia, it might read like this:

"We/They/Them, humans, trans-humans and fluid non-identifiers of this Confederation of trespassing Colonizers, endeavoring to live out our truth, have stolen these lands of Indigenous people to whom we really owe an apology and reparations, but shall leave the national karma to citizens of the 21st century to deal with,

"In order to pave the way for a responsibly sourced, fair-trade-based community, do hereby establish social justice, ensure domestic partnerships, diversity, inclusion and forced equity,

"Provide for the common defense [insert "guaranteed monthly income"] because defense implies structural aggression, which we do not condone, and since people are fundamentally good, we expect the government to sustain, mollycoddle and provide at no cost, pretty much everything.

"Promote welfare (we very much support more welfare).

"Defund the police and all common defense forces because the mere presence of law enforcement makes us feel threatened and unsafe,

"The blessings [wait, scratch "blessings"] because that implies a 'Blesser' whom we know to be the product of a homophobic, cis-gender haters of European descent, a being they call 'God,' but they no longer speak for everyone!

"Therefore, as we promote a non-white, gender-free reality, based on sustainable and universally proud and inclusive practices, we/ourselves/themselves/itselves and our posterity.

"Since overpopulation has harmed the environment, and because a birthing person has a right to terminate her/hiss/their pregnancy at any time up to and including after delivery, I think we can all breathe easier knowing that the burden of children is one form of human enslavement that birthing persons are legally protected from.

"Plus, marriage--as straights defined it--was basically a form of state-sanctioned indentured servitude, we have matured beyond that."

Our governing structure, having stood as the most successful in history for a quarter millennium is scorned and castigated by Leftist Democrats today. The policies of the modern Democrat party have consistently amounted to a cultural wrecking ball since the late 1960s.
The disturbing agenda of the Leftist's revisal of the preamble of our Constitution should send shivers up the spineless backs of every leftist in America. But no, these anti American dipshits on the Left will continue their march toward having America become a laughing stock around the world, while under their cultural destroying agenda, and their open border policy we're quickly becoming a third world banana republic.