APP - The Liar

It is amazing how media investigates every right wing accusation about Hillary Clinton but gives Trump a free ride? Not to sound conspiratorial but does media money see less regulation and taxes under a Trump administration and thus doesn't care that nothing he says is true? Comedy does more thorough investigations than our MSM.

It has been amazing how Trump has manipulated the press into free airtime. Clinton has outspent him 3 to 1 in paid ads but has recieved significantly less coverage by the media than Trump has.
Funny how Donald had a hard time last night, he didn't have his band of worshipers listening and cheering his nonsense. But you must admit he was himself, off the wall and unknowing. And still lying.

"Trump also maintained that cutting taxes in half on the rich would produce economic growth, jobs and shrink the deficit. It would of course cause the deficit to balloon by trillions and reduce employment by increasing the gini coefficient.

But of course Ronald Reagan made the same pledges, and Republicans during the Great Depression had said the same thing, demonstrating how an alternative reality of falsehoods had dominated our political illusions for decades before Trump took control of this machine."
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Nothing says pathetic better than leftists supporting a corrupt sociopathic liar whining about someone lying. Liberals have no shame as they wallow in hypocrisy.
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I am convinced that Liberals are too dishonest to comprehend the OBVIOUS anymore.

Hillary Clinton: 'Serial Liar' - Lying Compilation

This sociopath actually complained about Donald's negative campaigning while........engage in nothing more than negative campaigning.

Hillary really is THAT despicable.
It has been amazing how Trump has manipulated the press into free airtime. Clinton has outspent him 3 to 1 in paid ads but has recieved significantly less coverage by the media than Trump has.
I guess when your favorability rating is so's good to be ignored.
I guess when your favorability rating is so's good to be ignored.

Yep, Hillary's is so low the media had to invent the talking point that BOTH candidates are repugnant; Hillary just being the lesser of the two.

This is the most blatantly manipulated and fabricated Democratic election in our history. Never before have so many had to lie, cheat and manipulate in an attempt to drag a repugnant, uncharismatic, corrupt, sociopathic lying politician across the finish line and into the White House.

Let's hope that the American sheeple will not be duped into another four years of Obamunism.
Everyone knew he was lying, so what else will come out?

'Four women accuse Trump of forcibly groping, kissing them'

"I have a very good brain." Sniffles J. Trump
Again...many have claimed that Clinton missed opportunities onstage that night. I would have loved to see her ask if "his lawyers don't aggressively defend him in his rape trials?" when he referenced her defense of a rapist.

But...she stuck to her plan, and knew that this week would serve to fact check every Trump lie.

She gets to appear more qualified for office, and her surrogates can play in the mud.
Again...many have claimed that Clinton missed opportunities onstage that night. I would have loved to see her ask if "his lawyers don't aggressively defend him in his rape trials?" when he referenced her defense of a rapist.

But...she stuck to her plan, and knew that this week would serve to fact check every Trump lie.

She gets to appear more qualified for office, and her surrogates can play in the mud.

The odd thing is the 'mud' won. An interesting and necessary read:

And Trump:
Another sweet heart on the left slinging mud:

Here's the darling of the Party of the Jackass ranting about the President:

How about this chant? Can you imagine the media outrage if some Republican had ranted like this about Obama????

Democrats OWN the cliche' of "mud slingers." They OWN the "inexperience" cliché. They OWN the "hate" cliché. But most of all, they define the "hypocrite" label.
It is amazing how media investigates every right wing accusation about Hillary Clinton but gives Trump a free ride?
He's like a shock jock. He sells tickets. As far as a free ride, sure the media gave him lots of free publicity but it was almost all negative.