The Logic of the global warming debate

It was not designed to be terrifying.

It was designed to weight the cost of inaction over the cost of action.

You didnt really watch it did you?

so you dont get the point ?

Refute the validity of his out come in some logical way?

I am not into panick attacks on global warming theories and such...all hype on both sides of the warming is natural from day one continuing to todays world..I like my muscle cars...and when gas is gone..(not in my lifetime) I am sure man will present a alternate fuel source...enough said! and don't even go with what about your kids and grandkids...they are well aware of the world as we know it...they are smart cookies and realize alternate fuels are in the making..will not be available until those in service are deleted!
so you dont get the point ?

Refute the validity of his out come in some logical way?

Personally I think the whole global warming deal is hype, serious though since so many wish to jump on a Kyoto based bandwagon, ignoring that those who signed such have done much less than the US to reduce percentages of carbon emissions, if indeed such are truly causative to the warming trend that has been going on for quite some time. (Note: Yes temps have gone up, that doesn't equate to a cause and effect. There have been previous warming/cooling trends, which raised the spectre of cooling in the 70's, which was actually just a temporary plateau of the warming.)

But truth and reality do not meet all the time, thus global warming screeches are important as they are creating expenses to the consumer and perhaps much more serious unintended consequences such as possible food shortages down the line with new push for 'bio-fuels' using grains. All for a possible explanation of a weather trend that may or may not be caused in whole or part by the purported explanations.

In effect, the 'champions' of this theory are demanding a negative be proven. Until it can be or another, better topic comes along, there may be great harm done in ways that they've failed to see.
Hey Runyon ,I actually had not seen your post when I sent that reply.

BB was the only posts I was responding to with that remark.
Personally I think the whole global warming deal is hype, serious though since so many wish to jump on a Kyoto based bandwagon, ignoring that those who signed such have done much less than the US to reduce percentages of carbon emissions, if indeed such are truly causative to the warming trend that has been going on for quite some time. (Note: Yes temps have gone up, that doesn't equate to a cause and effect. There have been previous warming/cooling trends, which raised the spectre of cooling in the 70's, which was actually just a temporary plateau of the warming.)

But truth and reality do not meet all the time, thus global warming screeches are important as they are creating expenses to the consumer and perhaps much more serious unintended consequences such as possible food shortages down the line with new push for 'bio-fuels' using grains. All for a possible explanation of a weather trend that may or may not be caused in whole or part by the purported explanations.

In effect, the 'champions' of this theory are demanding a negative be proven. Until it can be or another, better topic comes along, there may be great harm done in ways that they've failed to see.

If you watch this video you will see what was intended by this thread.

Its the "there is no human effect" arguement which is keeping us from acting in a logical manner.

If you watch him chart the possibilities of action and non action and the possible outcomes of all possibilities you will understand how our best solution is to act.

NO ONE can prove with certainty that they know the true effects without a doubt but lack of action is a poor choice.

I think he lays the facts out very fairly if you would watch the clip all the way through.
validated my response...........:rolleyes:

You could use a bit of thought in the responses though, if you wish to be taken more seriously, it's up to you of course.

I could have said, being from the northern plains that every degree warmer makes our winters a bit more bearable, but I didn't go that way. :clink:

I tried to make a contrary argument, that whether or not it's real phenomena, the jury is still out. More than that, there are too many examples of the past, to not look for possible repercussions of just taking 'preventative' steps, without considering the consequences.

Now my argument may have many flaws, somehow I figure they will be pointed out.
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You could use a bit of thought in the responses though, if you wish to be taken more seriously, it's up to you of course.

I could have said, being from the northern plains that every degree warmer makes our winters a bit more bearable, but I didn't go that way. :clink:

I tried to make a contrary argument, that whether or not it's real phenomena, the jury is still out. More than that, there is too many examples of the past, to not look for possible repercussions of just taking 'preventative' steps, without considering the consequences.

Now my argument may have many flaws, somehow I figure they will be pointed out.

My college days are over..I keep my comments short and too the need for a thesis..not working on a MBA or anything like that...I am retired /tired and just like to have fun!
My college days are over..I keep my comments short and too the need for a thesis..not working on a MBA or anything like that...I am retired /tired and just like to have fun!

So why are you not happy just talking to yourself? Why clutter up boards for the rest of us? I'm not in college or working on master's, but still think that honest posts deserve honest answers.
So why are you not happy just talking to yourself? Why clutter up boards for the rest of us? I'm not in college or working on master's, but still think that honest posts deserve honest answers.
Well said. But he is a Jackass who doesn't know any better
Well I was just wondering. Perhaps he'll decide to respond? Could that happen?
I'm on ognore but he still responds to me, in fact he just dedicated two special threads to me. Who who can say what he is likely to do?