The lost cause mythology

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Apologists for defeated Deep Statist H.R. Clinton just started a website ( and it appears that she paid some ghostwriters to concoct has authored a book "explaining" her own Lost Cause Mythology.




Being a friend of the Clintons looks like a demeaning occupation. You defend them, you defend them some more, you lie down in front of tanks for them and then—when you least suspect it—they reverse gear and betray you.

Hillary Clinton did that to her most ardent supporters.

After six months of indignant responses, classic stonewalling, legalistic prevarication, dismissive jokes and a sustained and coordinated counter-attack by her allies, she finally capitulated, telling David Muir of ABC News that running a personal email account and server during her tenure as Secretary of State was a “mistake” and that she was “sorry about that.”

Compare this, if you will, to Bill Clinton’s denial of an affair with Monica Lewinsky that caused scores of his supporters to prop up his lies until he ultimately folded.

Hillary’s regret came exactly one day after she told the Associated Press she had no reason to apologize, downplaying the email controversy as a “distraction.”
On this weekend’s broadcast of See-BS’s “Sunday Morning.” 2016 DEMOCRAT presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said she was so sure she was going to win last year’s presidential election that she did not draft a concession speech.

Clinton said, “I just kind of went into the bedroom, laid down on the bed, just thought, ‘OK, I just have to wait this out. But then midnight I decided, well, looks like it’s not going to work.””

She continued,”I had not drafted a concession speech. I had been working on victory speeches.”

The Clintons also had already bought the house next to their in Chappaqua, NY home for White House staff and security.
