The Main Difference Between Vietnam & Iraq!


Senior Member
Bush has finally admitted that there are similarities between the war in Iraq and the war in Vietnam. The big difference between the two struggles for Bush is that he had a plan to get out of the war in Vietnam.
Oh, and by the way... I read the transcript of Bush's interview with Stephanie... he didn't compare Iraq to Vietnam. He said there was validity to the strategic comparisons with the TO in Vietnam, and what is happening with alSadr now. Big difference, but again... a matter of context you pinheads apperently can't comprehend.
Oh, and by the way... I read the transcript of Bush's interview with Stephanie... he didn't compare Iraq to Vietnam. He said there was validity to the strategic comparisons with the TO in Vietnam, and what is happening with alSadr now. Big difference, but again... a matter of context you pinheads apperently can't comprehend.


Look Away, Look Away, Look Away Dixie Man!
Bush's plan to get out of Vietnam was highly successful: use your daddy's influence to get assigned to a champagne national guard unit jumping ahead of thousands of more eligible men.... get assigned to an aircraft that you KNEW would never be deployed outside of CONUS...and then do cocaine and avoid the flight physical so that you lost your flight status and had to be let go because you weren't good for anything else.

But Dixie thinks he looks hot in blue jeans.... now THAT is what I call a well qualified commander in chief wartime president!
Bush has finally admitted that there are similarities between the war in Iraq and the war in Vietnam. The big difference between the two struggles for Bush is that he had a plan to get out of the war in Vietnam.

Bush Accepts Iraq-Vietnam Comparison, But Thinks He Can Refight the Vietnam War and Win. Of Course, He Refused to Serve in Vietnam and Partied Like There was No Tomorrow in Texas, But, Heck, Everyone Wants to be an Armchair General While Other People Die, Right?
Honestly, read the book on type 4 warfare written by the NVN General... You will be stunned at how it follows the pattern of Iraq.