Per Matthew Dowd: We hear that America is hopelessly divided. But America is supposed to be ruled by majority consensus. And the majority is on the right side of every issue. 75% of Americans got vaccinated against COVID. 80% of Americans want Roe v Wade preserved. 90% of Americans want gun control at the federal level. The problem is not with the voters. Every national election produces significantly more Democratic votes than Republican ones. The problem is that a fanatical minority has been able to exploit the deep flaws in our Constitution, and thereby thwart the will of the majority. America is no longer a democracy; it is now ruled by a tyrannical minority. And that minority is not going to yield any of the power that they’ve usurped. They reacted to past decisions by a moderate Supreme Court that threatened their ability to maintain their privilege, and made it their goal to seize control of the Court by any means necessary. And, unfortunately for most Americans, they were wildly successful.