The majority of Americans are now unamerican cut and runners...


Villified User
Just wanted everyone to know I no longer feel outcast like I did a couple of years ago. The majority of Americans are now unamerican traitorous terrorist lovers that hate America :)

strange how that works....
Didn't battleboob say that anti-war americans are perverts?

This is one eff-ed up nation, if 70% of the citizens are perverts.

Didn't battleboob say that anti-war americans are perverts?

This is one eff-ed up nation, if 70% of the citizens are perverts.

not exactly...put up the real stats on this silly comment...70%... give us all a break...CNN polls do not the way...if you really look deeply... both majorities in the House and Senate(both parties) are back-peddling daily...get a clue...they know this war must come to completion to save your sorry asses from the rusty blade...most conservatives would be spared if Islam won the old and continuing Crusades...y'all would be in deep cacca...end of story!
not exactly...put up the real stats on this silly comment...70%... give us all a break...CNN polls do not the way...if you really look deeply... both majorities in the House and Senate(both parties) are back-peddling daily...get a clue...they know this war must come to completion to save your sorry asses from the rusty blade...most conservatives would be spared if Islam won the old and continuing Crusades...y'all would be in deep cacca...end of story!

Could you retype this in standard English please.