The Mamas and the Papas


Let's go Brandon!
Their "best of" collection is one of my favorites in my mp3 library, and last night I got curious and watched a documentary of them, with lengthy interviews of John Phillips, Denny Doherty and Michelle Phillips. Some interesting takeaways:

John was married with two kids and 25 years old when he met 16 year old model Michelle Gilliam. Michelle came onto him and that was the end of his first marriage. John and Michelle married when she turned 18.

Denny Doherty was the key vocalist in the group. He and Michelle had an affair which led to the breakup of the group.

Cass Elliot had trouble reaching high notes until she got hit in the head by a piece of copper pipe accidently dropped man doing demolition work above a walkway. It knocked her old cold and had a headache for two weeks. Then she could hit the higher notes. John didn't want her in the group because of her appearance. She was persistent and Denny convinced John that she would be a valuable member. He singing abilities eclipsed Denny's. She died at age 32 when she choked on a ham sandwich.

Mackenzie Phillips is John's daughter from his first marriage.
Their "best of" collection is one of my favorites in my mp3 library, and last night I got curious and watched a documentary of them, with lengthy interviews of John Phillips, Denny Doherty and Michelle Phillips. Some interesting takeaways:

John was married with two kids and 25 years old when he met 16 year old model Michelle Gilliam. Michelle came onto him and that was the end of his first marriage. John and Michelle married when she turned 18.

Denny Doherty was the key vocalist in the group. He and Michelle had an affair which led to the breakup of the group.

Cass Elliot had trouble reaching high notes until she got hit in the head by a piece of copper pipe accidently dropped man doing demolition work above a walkway. It knocked her old cold and had a headache for two weeks. Then she could hit the higher notes. John didn't want her in the group because of her appearance. She was persistent and Denny convinced John that she would be a valuable member. He singing abilities eclipsed Denny's. She died at age 32 when she choked on a ham sandwich.

Mackenzie Phillips is John's daughter from his first marriage.

Thanks for posting that, see we can agree on some things. I was listening to some of their music he other night and man or man it brought back memories.

I see one of our local attention whores decided to chime in, good grief can no thread not have that crap included? Every once in a while would be nice.
Thanks for posting that, see we can agree on some things. I was listening to some of their music he other night and man or man it brought back memories.

I see one of our local attention whores decided to chime in, good grief can no thread not have that crap included? Every once in a while would be nice.

Why is it crap?
Cass Elliot had trouble reaching high notes until she got hit in the head by a piece of copper pipe accidently dropped man doing demolition work above a walkway. It knocked her old cold and had a headache for two weeks. Then she could hit the higher notes. John didn't want her in the group because of her appearance. She was persistent and Denny convinced John that she would be a valuable member. He singing abilities eclipsed Denny's. She died at age 32 when she choked on a ham sandwich.

Mackenzie Phillips is John's daughter from his first marriage.

She did not choke on a ham sandwich.

The autopsy showed that Cass Elliot had died of heart failure and no drugs were found in her system. She had the perfect set-up for heart failure:
• massive obesity,
• extensive use of recreational drugs,
• repeated crash diets with which she lost and regained weight,
• a pro-inflammatory diet, and
• lack of exercise.
Their "best of" collection is one of my favorites in my mp3 library, and last night I got curious and watched a documentary of them, with lengthy interviews of John Phillips, Denny Doherty and Michelle Phillips. Some interesting takeaways:

John was married with two kids and 25 years old when he met 16 year old model Michelle Gilliam. Michelle came onto him and that was the end of his first marriage. John and Michelle married when she turned 18.

Denny Doherty was the key vocalist in the group. He and Michelle had an affair which led to the breakup of the group.

Cass Elliot had trouble reaching high notes until she got hit in the head by a piece of copper pipe accidently dropped man doing demolition work above a walkway. It knocked her old cold and had a headache for two weeks. Then she could hit the higher notes. John didn't want her in the group because of her appearance. She was persistent and Denny convinced John that she would be a valuable member. He singing abilities eclipsed Denny's. She died at age 32 when she choked on a ham sandwich.

Mackenzie Phillips is John's daughter from his first marriage.

Didn't we get informed that they are not to be listened to because one of the members was an abuser?

Pretty sure I remember that happening.
Didn't we get informed that they are not to be listened to because one of the members was an abuser? Pretty sure I remember that happening.

As long as the abuser is a leftist, that does not matter.

Fun fact: a benefit show for a DEMOCRAT broke up the Eagles.