Remember when Creepy Joe decided it’d be a good idea to hit on a girl that couldn’t have been any more than 6 or 7 years old?
Lefties can pretend that they don't.
Some may deny it ever happened.
But it did.
Biden’s comment about her "looking 19" and "crossing her legs" was not only maximum cringe, but it pegged up the creepy meters.
That is not the kind of thing a public official should say to a young girl.
But because they're stupid, the left ignored it - for years - and now they want Americans to believe they care about Matt Gaetz's alleged antics.
You know, because Matt has a history of sniffing young girls’ hair, pawing them in public in front of TV cameras and commenting on their looks…oh wait, no, he doesn’t.
That's what Joe Biden has been doing. Openly. For decades.
The left can't admit they backed a dementia-ridden old man who can’t stop hitting on pre-pubescent girls — and that makes them anxious to engage in whataboutism.
Because they can’t simply admit they made a mistake; they deflect by talking about anyone connected to the bad orange man.
If Gaetz (or any other conservative) had made a public comment like that about a young girl, it would be headlines on CNN.
Biden gets a pass because of his political party, but he won’t get a pass from honest people who see this for what it is.