APP - The markets don't seem to be that worried

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

For some reason leftists on JPP seem to think we are headed for war over the drone attacks on Saudi Arabia. However, today's markets don't seem to be all that roiled.

It really is astounding when you think about it. 20 years ago if 50% of Saudi Arabia production was shut down like this, the stock market would be in free fall and oil prices would be spiking massively. Yes, the market is down a bit, and oil is up. But not to any great extent.

Why is that?

Simple, the oil market has changed thanks to President Bush 43 and President Donald Trump. For the first time in decades we are truly energy independent. No longer does the middle east have a strangle hold over the supply of oil. That is huge. It makes leftists sad
It doesnt look like the markets are really worried regardless of what the lamestream media keep trying to stir up.

I sit back and laugh. The DOW was about 450 when I started investing in stocks and mutual funds. Life is good I tell ya.......