The Media and Ron Paul

Ron Paul runs as a 3rd party
Obama gets the nomination
Huckabee gets the nomination

Obama wins
you herd it here.
To be fair to Guliani, he hasn't campaigned in Iowa at all, while Ron Paul has spent a lot of time there. It's still embarrassing to get half of Ron Paul's vote. Ron Paul is just in a completely different league than Hunter and Richardson, though. It's fucking ridiculous.

Yeah, not to mention that McCain skipped Iowa too yet he managed to pull in 13% of the vote to Giuliani's 4% and the fact that Ron Paul was within 3% of both Fred and McCain. If Ron Paul was "slaughtered" then Giuliani was, I don't know, anally raped with a chainsaw, and Thompson and McCain had their fingernails ripped off and were kicked in the nuts by a draft horse, or something.
Anybody know who spent how much in Iowa.

I've got top 3 Dems at
Obama 9
Clinton 7.2
Edwards 3.1

Top 3 Repubs
Romney 7
Huckabee 1.4
and Thompson 1.1
Here in Mississippi, of all places, we constantly get letter to the editor about Ron Paul. Nothing on the other candidates. Ron Paul is an internet phenomenon. President of the internet, at least. :)
Thompson spent more and, virtually, got no more votes. It is doubtful McCain spent much less and he is counted a winner somehow.
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping he exceeds my already inflated expectations in NH. If he gets 15% I'll come. But, to be honest, I think he'll get about 8%. I think he did so well in Iowa because of the caucus format and his loyal supporters.
Anybody know who spent how much in Iowa.

I've got top 3 Dems at
Obama 9
Clinton 7.2
Edwards 3.1

Top 3 Repubs
Romney 7
Huckabee 1.4
and Thompson 1.1

Edwards looks high. I thought he spent about 1.5 million. Obama, Clinton, Romney and Huckabee all look right. I have no clue about Grandapa Fred.
If he runs in the general he'll get crushed. But he could do so much to spread the philosophy of liberty, if he just campaigned. Think of the Goldwater effect. And hell, we know no Republican can win anyway.
Edwards looks high. I thought he spent about 1.5 million. Obama, Clinton, Romney and Huckabee all look right. I have no clue about Grandapa Fred.

This is about what they were saying on CNN about the dems and it is repeated in other articles. On the Republican side I can't find much mentioned beyond Huckabee and Romney.
If he runs in the general he'll get crushed. But he could do so much to spread the philosophy of liberty, if he just campaigned. Think of the Goldwater effect. And hell, we know no Republican can win anyway.

What makes you think he is not campaigning? I am not so sure he gets crushed anymore than any other Repub in the general and might do far better if he can get the "conservatives" behind him.
This is about what they were saying on CNN about the dems and it is repeated in other articles. On the Republican side I can't find much mentioned beyond Huckabee and Romney.

I think it's my mistake. His campaign spent only about 1.5 million but since he is accepting matching funds the total spent is probably the full $3+ million.
Yeah, not to mention that McCain skipped Iowa too yet he managed to pull in 13% of the vote to Giuliani's 4% and the fact that Ron Paul was within 3% of both Fred and McCain. If Ron Paul was "slaughtered" then Giuliani was, I don't know, anally raped with a chainsaw, and Thompson and McCain had their fingernails ripped off and were kicked in the nuts by a draft horse, or something.

Well said. This is my point, you just said it better than I could.
Did you hear, RS, that the New Hampshire Republican Party is petitioning Fox to include Ron Paul in the debate? Fox, of course, is ignoring them. But they still justify it with that space BS. ABC is holding a debate in the same place the day evening before. They are no excluding Ron Paul.

But shit, is Fox going to be PAULITIZED whenever RP places above the "serious" candidates they decided to keep in the debate.