The medical industry will oppose this...


Villified User
Illinois Tries to Make Hand-Washing Before Meals at School Mandatory

Friday, February 23, 2007

Kids — don't touch that food unless you've washed up.

On Thursday, the Illinois House passed a bill, 100-14, from Rep. Mary Flowers, a Democrat from Chicago, that would require Chicago Public School school officials to ensure students wash their hands with antiseptic before meals at school, reported The Chicago Sun Times.,2933,254018,00.html
Oh, that's great. Another duty for teachers to fulfil. Believe it or not, a teacher that is doing his job has a lot to do. As a former full time teacher (present part time) I think the politicians need to come monitor whether little Johnny washes his hands or not.
So many of us expect the teachers to raise our children for us because we are too honery to do it ourselves.
Then just raise heck about what the teacher has done to our poor children.

I agree Leaning, this is a parents responsibility to teach their children. I guess they can't pick it up from Nintendo or TV....

Teachers jobs suck, imho. they need to be paid about 4X what they are paid.
They would still suck then, just be better paid ;)
Perhaps the law should be written to require parents to teach their kids this. If the child does not wash his/her hands the parent gets a fine.
My years of teaching have been rewarding. Teaching at a small school in a close knit community has it's advantages. I paddle kids here for cussing or just being disrespectful in general. The parents not only support it, most of them demand it.

I am all for those teachers working in the inner city schools getting more money that those of us out here. It might not seem like equity to people on the surface since we are [supposedly] teaching the same things to the students, but the way I look at it, just in going to work each day the inner-city teacher's life is at far greater risk than mine. Plus their hands are tied when it comes to discipline. Call it "hazard pay" if you want. :)
Teaching and Nursing are callings of the heart, not jobs.
It takes special people to do those jobs properly, and I am thankful there are some of those special people out there.

thank you Leaning for being there for the people of your community.