The Microsoft experience


i literally jump back and forth between chrome, safari, and firefox these days. Just can't make up my mind. I haven't used ie since like 2003 though
IE9 is getting good feedback. Not enough to make anyone but the biggest noob change back to it, but it's not as awful a product as the last three either. It's like we were expecting the next M. Night Shaylaman flick to have a negative score, and instead it was merely mediocore-awful.
Safari sucks elephant testicles. I'm on firefox, wanting to switch to Chrome, but too lazy to actually do so.
Safari sucks elephant testicles. I'm on firefox, wanting to switch to Chrome, but too lazy to actually do so.
Google sucks now, with there new, trying to think for you, but I don't think like most people, so it seems to be s large pain in the ass, slow to post what I type! I hate it, any other browsers people like?
IE6, linux-tard.

You are right, savour it as I won't be saying that very often. As for your insult, I believe that your problems with Linux are of your own making. Some people are incapable of being helped.

I have even convinced my own teenage son that Linux is a viable alternative to Microshaft by getting his favourite game Left for Dead 2 to work using both KDE4 and Gnome with Wine. He is even harder to impress than you although I do feel sorry for someone with your espoused socialist views living in Mississippi aka redneck central.
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