The Mind Of The Village: Understanding Our Implicit Biases (take a test) if you dare


This is an audio, for some of you w/ short attention spans an eternity...

Fortunately it will make neither ppl on the left or right all that happy..

But it will explain a lot of things, & make clear the approach we are taking likely "aint gonna fix shit"..........:(

Link to the test-not required:

Where do our minds live? A simple, scientific response would be to say our minds live in our brains. But Harvard psychologist Mahzarin Banaji says we should not think of our minds as being solitary.

"The individual mind sits in society. And the connection between mind and society is an extremely important one that should not be forgotten."​

Banaji is one of the creators of the Implicit Association Test, a widely-used tool for measuring a person's implicit biases. She says it's important to acknowledge that problems rooted in prejudice cannot be solved by finger pointing.

"One of the difficulties we've had in the past is that we have looked at individual people and blamed individual people. We've said if we can remove these 10 bad police officers from this force, we'll be fine. And we know as social scientists - and I believe firmly - that that is no way to change anything."

This week on the Hidden Brain radio show, we examine research about the mind of the village. We'll begin with a focus on police shootings of unarmed black men. Later in the show, we look at how biases affect judges in the U.S.
'Mahzarin Banaji '. That's not American. Sounds like some Communist ... maybe a Nazi. (?)
'Mahzarin Banaji '. That's not American. Sounds like some Communist ... maybe a Nazi. (?)

Yea, she speaks four languages including Farsi & communistese...

You should listen to the clip, you can add it to your resume' of enlightenment & insight into the inner working of the mind of man~ & women....:)
Yea, she speaks four languages including Farsi & communistese...

You should listen to the clip, you can add it to your resume' of enlightenment & insight into the inner working of the mind of man~ & women....:)

I thought I accepted her Premise when I called her a 'Communist'/'Nazi' because of her name.
Has anyone here actually taken one of these tests?

I took the one on 'Religion'.
It ended up being a 'Test' between Islam and Judaism.
According to the Test, I tended to favor Islam.

Since I'm an agnostic, I don't 'favor' any of them. (they probably assumed I was a 'Christian'?)
I took the one on 'Religion'.
It ended up being a 'Test' between Islam and Judaism.
According to the Test, I tended to favor Islam.

Since I'm an agnostic, I don't 'favor' any of them. (they probably assumed I was a 'Christian'?)

Well, that would seem to be a poor test then. Given only an either / or situation seems inappropriate to religious views. I have to agree with you, it doesn't show your bias towards one or the other but rather your alignment with the values of them. In that sense, your values as an agnostic would only peripherally align. That is, say you like structure in your life so you align with Islam requiring prayer five times a day. That doesn't show you prefer Islam but that you prefer structure, something you could get in any religion by self-practice even if the religion itself didn't mandate it.
Well, that would seem to be a poor test then. Given only an either / or situation seems inappropriate to religious views. I have to agree with you, it doesn't show your bias towards one or the other but rather your alignment with the values of them. In that sense, your values as an agnostic would only peripherally align. That is, say you like structure in your life so you align with Islam requiring prayer five times a day. That doesn't show you prefer Islam but that you prefer structure, something you could get in any religion by self-practice even if the religion itself didn't mandate it.

I think it's based on how quick you respond and if you make mistakes. There's about 15 'tests' you can choose to take. It takes about 10 minutes. It's benign. Log on and take one.
I thought I accepted her Premise when I called her a 'Communist'/'Nazi' because of her name.



It is a political, her opinions on politics are unknown nor relevant..........

The margarita maker can chill another half hour, take the time to listen to it & learn something...........:cool:
Has anyone here actually taken one of these tests?


An individuals results in & of themselves are not really significant...

It is when they are taken as a whole, as a village, region etc that they can be indicative/predictor of higher likelihood of certain outcomes.....

Smart guy like you would find it fascinating.:thup: