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A man wakes up one morning with a bizarre idea: that he is dead. He can't shake it, and for weeks he keeps insisting he's a dead man. Doctors devise a plan. They spend hours discussing the fact that living people bleed, and dead people do not. This involves countless pictures, descriptions, videos, and other proofs. Eventually, the man agrees. He declares, without any qualifications, that only living people bleed. As soon as the man makes that remark, a nurse reaches out and sticks him in the arm with a needle. Looking at the little trickle of blood, the man says with surprise, "I guess I was wrong…dead people bleed, too!"
A man wakes up one morning with a bizarre idea: that he is dead. He can't shake it, and for weeks he keeps insisting he's a dead man. Doctors devise a plan. They spend hours discussing the fact that living people bleed, and dead people do not. This involves countless pictures, descriptions, videos, and other proofs. Eventually, the man agrees. He declares, without any qualifications, that only living people bleed. As soon as the man makes that remark, a nurse reaches out and sticks him in the arm with a needle. Looking at the little trickle of blood, the man says with surprise, "I guess I was wrong…dead people bleed, too!"

Jordan Peterson talks a lot about how very important books by very important people keep turning out to be, when actually read, a painfully obvious waste of time. Yet they have built reputations. What does that say about us?
Gad Saad Jordan Peterson Camille Paglia and a bunch of others keep talking about how very important books by very important people which are very hard to read, when decoded, turn out to be all mumbo jumbo.
A man wakes up one morning with a bizarre idea: that he is dead. He can't shake it, and for weeks he keeps insisting he's a dead man. Doctors devise a plan. They spend hours discussing the fact that living people bleed, and dead people do not. This involves countless pictures, descriptions, videos, and other proofs. Eventually, the man agrees. He declares, without any qualifications, that only living people bleed. As soon as the man makes that remark, a nurse reaches out and sticks him in the arm with a needle. Looking at the little trickle of blood, the man says with surprise, "I guess I was wrong…dead people bleed, too!"

You're one of the sheepies, you know that right?