The modern socialist...


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...takes an UBER to STARBUCKS where they get on SOCIAL MEDIA using their IPHONE to complain about CAPITALISM.
Now did you have to think about that one before you posted it or did you make it up as you went along?

It's nothing but the truth. They complain about capitalism while enjoying the benefits of same. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. But liberal socialists were never noted for logical thinking. You're living proof.
It's nothing but the truth. They complain about capitalism while enjoying the benefits of same. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. But liberal socialists were never noted for logical thinking. You're living proof.

yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone who talks about capitalism is a socialist pursuing Venezuela

Little history lesson for you, socialism has been a part of the US since the 19th Century, it is as American as your favorite demogogue tells you he is, and on top of that, no economy, none, in the entire world is pure socialism nor capitalism, they are all mixed economies, reality isn't a dichotomy
...takes an UBER to STARBUCKS where they get on SOCIAL MEDIA using their IPHONE to complain about CAPITALISM.

The entire world witnessed the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class beg for socialism to bail them out. Socialism is only bad when it benefits society as a whole.
It's nothing but the truth. They complain about capitalism while enjoying the benefits of same. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. But liberal socialists were never noted for logical thinking. You're living proof.

the socialist party is meaningless in America
It's nothing but the truth. They complain about capitalism while enjoying the benefits of same. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. But liberal socialists were never noted for logical thinking. You're living proof.

You have no idea what the truth is and what is happening. Your being divisive is as planned. Trump is accelerating the plutocracy and the Supremes are a big part of the plan.
Grugore, you're a seriously fucked up Jesus Freak-Fascist, but you're definitely not alone.

You are the poster boy for the depraved, perverted, and intellectually-crippled segment of our population that is presently tearing down the American Republic.

People like Banjofuck and Bullshit Blob are a bit noisier, perhaps, but most of the dumb fuck Trumpanzees don't say "nigger" every other word or clog the bandwidth with stupid memes.

In any case, all of you fucking losers truly believe that the policies supported by billionaires like the Koch brothers are the policies that best serve your broke asses,

you meth-head trailer park, racist cretins. Your stupidity is so pernicious that exposure to it seems to cause even sane people to hemorrhage IQ points.

Exposing yourself to ridicule--from your intellectual and moral superiors--with your inane posts clearly doesn't bother you.

But as Sam Cooke told us, "A Change is Gonna Come," and you've identified yourself for the cleanup crew.
It's nothing but the truth. They complain about capitalism while enjoying the benefits of same. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. But liberal socialists were never noted for logical thinking. You're living proof.

They're socialists until it involves them being one of those that has to actually fund what they support. Ever notice when one is asked how to pay for what they support they quickly spout one of the indoctrinated answers?
Grugore, you're a seriously fucked up Jesus Freak-Fascist, but you're definitely not alone.

You are the poster boy for the depraved, perverted, and intellectually-crippled segment of our population that is presently tearing down the American Republic.

People like Banjofuck and Bullshit Blob are a bit noisier, perhaps, but most of the dumb fuck Trumpanzees don't say "nigger" every other word or clog the bandwidth with stupid memes.

In any case, all of you fucking losers truly believe that the policies supported by billionaires like the Koch brothers are the policies that best serve your broke asses,

you meth-head trailer park, racist cretins. Your stupidity is so pernicious that exposure to it seems to cause even sane people to hemorrhage IQ points.

Exposing yourself to ridicule--from your intellectual and moral superiors--with your inane posts clearly doesn't bother you.

But as Sam Cooke told us, "A Change is Gonna Come," and you've identified yourself for the cleanup crew.

Yet you can't refute the proof that you're nothing but a nigger.
You have no idea what the truth is and what is happening. Your being divisive is as planned. Trump is accelerating the plutocracy and the Supremes are a big part of the plan.

When Ginsburg finally figures out that she needs to retire, Trump will get to appoint another Justice giving a 6-3 leaning toward the side for which the founders intended the Constitution to apply. The grandchildren of you left wing idiots will still be whining about it long after you're gone.
...takes an UBER to STARBUCKS where they get on SOCIAL MEDIA using their IPHONE to complain about CAPITALISM.

Maybe one day all this MAGA will trickle down to conservatives so they can afford ride shares, Starbucks coffee, and iphones. Until then, they will have to bitch about the Chinese and Muslims from their cricket phones at the Muslim owned convenience store that gives free refills while gasing up their rusty old pickup up that has knock-off tires made in Asia.
It's nothing but the truth. They complain about capitalism while enjoying the benefits of same. It's like biting the hand that feeds you. But liberal socialists were never noted for logical thinking. You're living proof.

Are you half-witted? If people are forced to live under this ludicrous system, what sort of fools wouldn't take advantage of any (alleged) benefits? Like so many of you weirdoes, you believe the only people allowed to criticize your thievery are holy hermits. Grow up!
yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone who talks about capitalism is a socialist pursuing Venezuela

Little history lesson for you, socialism has been a part of the US since the 19th Century, it is as American as your favorite demogogue tells you he is, and on top of that, no economy, none, in the entire world is pure socialism nor capitalism, they are all mixed economies, reality isn't a dichotomy

The socialist part can't exist without the capitalist part. Not so the other way around.