The most confusing website I've ever been to...


Ahorrado por Gracia

I find myself agreeing with about 80% of what is said there. But when they claim the Roman Catholic Church is of the devil, and the KJV is the only legitimate translation of the Bible, they're going much too far.

Definitely very out-spoken, though.
I like people who are bold and not afraid of looking "crazy."
Sadly, John Lennon found out on December 8th, 1980 that SERVING YOURSELF is a sure road to hell. The Word of God proclaims adamantly that ONLY through Jesus Christ can anyone be saved (John 14:6; 1st Thessalonians 1:8; Acts 4:12). God does not have pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). It is NOT God's will for anyone to perish, but for all men and women to repent of their unbelief (2nd Peter 3:9). It's Jesus or hell. John Lennon went to hell.
"Did you read that? Lennon sang, "Imagine there's no's EASY if you try." It's easy if you try? Well, not exactly John. You see Psalm 19:1 proclaims that "The heavens declare the glory of God..." It would be very difficult to deny something that is so obvious. In fact, let's look at Romans 1:20 (I'm about to discourage anyone who shares Lennon's dream of a utopian world without God)..."

Can anyone say "non-sequitor"?
Satanism In The Vatican!

Pope John Paul II - Burning in Hell

Please notice the picture above with an upside-down cross. In his article, The Kingdom of Satan, Professor J. S. Malan says this about the inverted cross:

"This cross is not broken, but turned upside down. It indicates the rejection of Jesus Christ and contempt for the gospel of salvation. Inverted symbols are typical of the opposite values pursued by Satanists. People who are sometimes sacrificed to Satan on Black Sabbath are crucified upside down in accordance with this tradition. "

“...even now are there many antichrists…” -I John 2:18.
Has anyone ever wondered why there is NO Christian site on the net with an even halfway decent frongtpage? What is it about accepting Christ that completely and totally saps any sort of creativity and ability to create desirable page layouts out of people?
Hmm things have sure turned around for Brent :)

Yes. Seven months ago, my eyes were opened to the EVIL which is the Roman Catholic institution. It is the whore of Babylon, and the Pope is the Antichrist in the church; that man of sin, that son of perdition. The RCC is a PAGAN religion.

The Pope is a devilish deceiver who is leading a BILLION people to HELL. For these precious souls, I pray on a daily basis, that they might be delivered from that WHOREISH religious system!

Catholicism is unorthodox, blasphemous, and every one of its pagan doctrines (i.e. Transubstantiation, Purgatory, etc.) are traced right back to Babylon.
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Yes. Seven months ago, my eyes were opened to the EVIL which is the Roman Catholic institution. It is the whore of Babylon, and the Pope is the Antichrist in the church; that man of sin, that son of perdition. The RCC is a PAGAN religion.

And people wonder why I call religious belief a mental disorder.....