The most damning email yet from wiki leaks

Pappy Jones

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Re: Murder, She Wrote in Real Life
Date: 2014-07-31 13:03
Subject: Re: Murder, She Wrote in Real Life

Great story. The presence of scissors at the crime scene is funny and
indicates to me the perpetrator has a sense of humor. This rules out
I will continue to ponder.
On Jul 31, 2014 7:47 AM, "Gabe Podesta" <> wrote:

> I’m experiencing a real life Murder, She Wrote here in Qatar. No one is
> dead (just a toaster oven) but there are so many suspects and motives.
> There is a small toaster oven in our office kitchen area. The toaster
> and the coffee pot are both 110 volts, so each must be plugged into the 220
> volt transformer when in use. The transformer only has room for one at a
> time, so a user must check and change, as appropriate, with each and every
> use. This seems to be a particular frustration to the three people who
> typically make the coffee in the morning.
> TSgt Garrison is the only person that actually uses the toaster. He
> typically toasts his sandwich bread at lunch time. He has only been here
> for a month or so. Prior to his arrival the three who make coffee kept
> the coffee pot plugged in at all times.
> This morning LT Farnsworth was the first in the office and went to the
> kitchen to make coffee. He reports that he walked in to discover that
> someone had cut the cord to the toaster oven, rendering it inoperable. Next
> to the toaster was a pair of scissors. The part of the cord that plugs
> into the outlet was not found.
> LT Farnsworth is a reservist (i.e. he has a civilian job and only puts on
> the uniform one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer). He was
> activated and deployed here against his will and recently learned that he
> missed out on a promotion at his civilian job because his employer needs to
> fill the position immediately and will not wait for him to return. He is
> also a hothead--he reportedly committed a cardinal sin during predeployment
> training when he grew frustrated by his marksmanship and threw his rifle to
> the ground (very, very big no-no in military culture).
> Lest you believe that LT Farnsworth is the only suspect, please note that
> TSgt Garrison lives with TSgt Long. The two are very different and seem
> to truly hate one another. It is unclear, however, if TSgt Long knows
> that TSgt Garrison uses the toaster oven because he works in a different
> building.
> Additionally, yesterday we had a random safety inspection by the Camp As
> Sayliyah Fire Department. We passed, but were marked down because the
> toaster oven was on top of the microwave and that is a fire hazard. MSG
> Brown is responsible for office safety and thus was forced to take
> responsibility for the hazard despite the fact that she, too, works in a
> different building.
> When we were alerted to the safety violation yesterday, my paralegal
> decided to assist by printing a sign that read “Do not place toaster on top
> of the microwave. It is a fire hazard.” While well intentioned, she
> taped the paper sign directly on top of the toaster. This, as you may
> have guessed, is a fire hazard. The sign was removed and she was
> ridiculed.
> I am truly at a loss. I feel like all these episodes of Murder, She
> Wrote have been preparing me to solve this mystery. Any insight or help
> you all may provide is greatly appreciated and I'll keep you posted of any
> developments.
> --
> Gabe Podesta

Lol, just decided to inject a little humour.
