The most hated


Verified User
Who are the most hated members of the forum ?

Just for the shits and giggles factor shall we pick on person from each political side ? Yes on liberal and one conservative just to see what we each think.
I will save my choices for near the end
Who are the most hated members of the forum ?

Just for the shits and giggles factor shall we pick on person from each political side ? Yes on liberal and one conservative just to see what we each think.
I will save my choices for near the end

What's your point????????????
Who are the most hated members of the forum ?

Just for the shits and giggles factor shall we pick on person from each political side ? Yes on liberal and one conservative just to see what we each think.
I will save my choices for near the end

The genuine trolls on either side.
As expected there this reply. :D


Is that better?
I really figured I id get a vote or 2 .

I'm torn between voting for Hoosier daddy fag and bidepresident I cant stand either of them, and I am not sure which I think is dumber.
So I think I need to make a choice and it falls to bidenpresident, I doubt there's anyone on this forum or any other that's a ignorant and dumb as he is.

Hes a true moron and scum bag in my book and a complete waste of skin.
I wouldn't piss in his mouth if he was dying of dehydration in the Mojave .

If he was spread eagle over a log stomach first stretched out and staked by all his limbs with hot coals under his face melting the skin off I wouldn't piss on the fire.

As you can see I have the highest regards for him.