The Most Important Book You Won't Read This Year


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Rarely has an author been proven correct so quickly.

Last month, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, the commander of a Colorado-based Space Force squadron, published a book entitled Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. On May 7, podcaster L. Todd Wood (“Information Operation”) posted an interview with Lohmeier about the book.

In their 34-minute exchange, Lohmeier – a former Air Force fighter pilot and flight instructor who, at Space Force, was in charge of detecting ballistic missile launches – exuded decency, rectitude, and a deep respect for the uniformed services.

He didn’t criticize anybody by name; he only made frankly undeniable statements about the Marxist nature of some of the ideas that are now being taught to U.S. servicepeople. It was crystal clear that in speaking out, he was convinced he was doing his patriotic duty.

A week to the day after the interview was posted, Lohmeier’s superiors abruptly relieved him of his command.

A Biden regime spokesperson announced that an investigation had been initiated into whether Lohmeier’s comments on the podcast “constituted prohibited partisan political activity."

In fact, the entire point of Lohmeier’s commentary was that members of the American military are today being brainwashed with hard-core Marxist ideas that not only constitute partisan political activity but seek to demonize the country the military is supposed to be defending.

As for Lohmeier’s own comments, there was nothing remotely partisan or political about them – unless you consider it partisan or political to be a patriot.

On the one hand, Lohmeier’s dismissal is a disgrace.

On the other hand, what better way to draw attention to the supremely urgent message of his book – a truly sensational exposé that should be read by everyone who cares about America’s fate in this perilous era of woke insanity.
What are "frankly undeniable statements about the Marxist nature of some of the ideas that are now being taught to U.S. servicepeople"?
What are "frankly undeniable statements about the Marxist nature of some of the ideas that are now being taught to U.S. servicepeople"?

I suggest you read the book. I’m mildly interested because I saw first hand how the army had become a cesspool of SJW indoctrination 25 years ago. Not surprised if it has gotten worse . Even the most gung ho right wing officers I knew admitted the military was the embodiment of socialism back then.
But I’m not that interested.
I suggest you read the book. I’m mildly interested because I saw first hand how the army had become a cesspool of SJW indoctrination 25 years ago. Not surprised if it has gotten worse . Even the most gung ho right wing officers I knew admitted the military was the embodiment of socialism back then.
But I’m not that interested.

Anonymoose--->"But I’m not that interested".

Let's see ... Legion can't explain it ... and you have ZERO interest ...But somehow, I'M suppose to read it.

Anonymoose--->"But I’m not that interested".

Let's see ... Legion can't explain it ... and you have ZERO interest ...But somehow, I'M suppose to read it.


Seeing as you're too lazy to read any reviews about it, here is one I found on Amazon UK. CRT is a pernicious virus and typical of the way Marxism gains a foothold in a country.

Critical Race Theory (CRT), the fraudulent spawn of another failed ideology – Marxism – is a mind-cancer invading American society. It has metastasized to the point it is now being taught in the nation’s military academies, effectively a “new gospel” of how the world should work. At base, however, it is simply the latest spin on an utterly-failed theory under which over 100 million people – as a conservative estimate – were slaughtered trying to make Marxism “work”. And that’s in the 20th century, alone. Our children don’t know this because our schools don’t teach this.

Lt Col Lohmeier demonstrates he, at least, is well aware of Marxism’s dangers, no matter how they are disguised and re-gift-wrapped. A clear scholar of Marxism’s history and failures, in his outstanding work Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier exposés this “new” ideology, CRT, a mind-virus of the type evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad refers to as “The Parasitic Mind”, in the psychologist’s book of the same title. Lohmeier recounts how Marxism has morphed from a class-warfare “struggle” – really, a man-made conflict set up to cause differing societal classes to wage war on one another – into the race-based “struggle”, CRT. This “new” ideology comes complete with its “intersectionalism” add-on, just to make sure everyone is covered by *some* “oppressed” “group” of one flavor or another. So the Boogey Man is everywhere. Racism is everywhere. Just because you can’t see it directly, you know it’s there: It’s “institutional racism”, after all.

Lt Col Lohmeier analyzes such false claims under the searing light of the truth, showing the actual damage caused to today’s military and the potential for far worse damages to both our military and our society, if this movement is not stopped dead in its tracks. And Lohmeier has the credibility and facts to back up his analysis: A highly-decorated, current-active-duty, “fast-burner” (early selection to ranks) squadron commander who commands a premier, frontline U.S. Space Force squadron, Lt Col Lohmeier provides a “boots-on-the-ground” look at what’s happening to the U.S. military as a result of CRT’s brainwashing agenda.

Lt Col Lohmeier has taken the extraordinary step of publishing the book while on active duty, fully aware of the risks such publication might raise. But the message is too critical to wait. Lohmeier “gets” that, knowing the stakes nonetheless.

This book is a wakeup call. Every American should read it – certainly every U.S. military servicemember, at the very least: Forewarned is forearmed. Get this book. Read it. And learn about the fight to come: the fight to save our nation from this Marxist cancer.,aps,389&sr=8-1
Seeing as you're too lazy to read any reviews about it, here is one I found on Amazon UK. CRT is a pernicious virus and typical of the way Marxism gains a foothold in a country.,aps,389&sr=8-1

Wow! I was unaware 'Marx' had anything to do with 'Race'. I thought he was promoting an economic system?
Just by what you posted, it sounds like 'MARXISM' is being used as a Buzz Word. Marxism ... 100 million slaughtered ... Critical Race Theory!
Wow! I was unaware 'Marx' had anything to do with 'Race'. I thought he was promoting an economic system?
Just by what you posted, it sounds like 'MARXISM' is being used as a Buzz Word. Marxism ... 100 million slaughtered ... Critical Race Theory!

Thinking and you are strange bedfellows Jack, this is just latest example of that.


Rarely has an author been proven correct so quickly.

Last month, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, the commander of a Colorado-based Space Force squadron, published a book entitled Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. On May 7, podcaster L. Todd Wood (“Information Operation”) posted an interview with Lohmeier about the book.

In their 34-minute exchange, Lohmeier – a former Air Force fighter pilot and flight instructor who, at Space Force, was in charge of detecting ballistic missile launches – exuded decency, rectitude, and a deep respect for the uniformed services.

He didn’t criticize anybody by name; he only made frankly undeniable statements about the Marxist nature of some of the ideas that are now being taught to U.S. servicepeople. It was crystal clear that in speaking out, he was convinced he was doing his patriotic duty.

A week to the day after the interview was posted, Lohmeier’s superiors abruptly relieved him of his command.

A Biden regime spokesperson announced that an investigation had been initiated into whether Lohmeier’s comments on the podcast “constituted prohibited partisan political activity."

In fact, the entire point of Lohmeier’s commentary was that members of the American military are today being brainwashed with hard-core Marxist ideas that not only constitute partisan political activity but seek to demonize the country the military is supposed to be defending.

As for Lohmeier’s own comments, there was nothing remotely partisan or political about them – unless you consider it partisan or political to be a patriot.

On the one hand, Lohmeier’s dismissal is a disgrace.

On the other hand, what better way to draw attention to the supremely urgent message of his book – a truly sensational exposé that should be read by everyone who cares about America’s fate in this perilous era of woke insanity.

Democracy purged by the totalitarian regime, of Donald J Trump.
Thinking and you are strange bedfellows Jack, this is just latest example of that.

:) Yeah. Marx published his Manifesto in 1850 or something ... and it discussed 'Critical Race Theory'. IDK Tommy. It sounds*like you're trying to blow smoke up my ass.
:) Yeah. Marx published his Manifesto in 1850 or something ... and it discussed 'Critical Race Theory'. IDK Tommy. It sounds*like you're trying to blow smoke up my ass.

Strange bedfellows indeed.


Critical Race Theory: Marxism In A Woke Cloak

Did Marxism and the dreams of a workers’ revolution really die with the fall of the Soviet Union? Or was the ideology just hibernating or waiting for a new cloak in which to wrap itself as it once more seeks to achieve its final goals? With Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in re-education programs, not only in schools but also government agencies, it seems the “old enemy” has found a new guise to wear among the masses of the innocent and uninformed young.

CRT asks participants to view the world, culture, history, and personal relationships through the prism of race and historic oppression. It invites them to understand that if they are not white, they have been oppressed, and if they are white, they are the oppressors who need to atone for the sins of their ancestors and for the privileges they enjoy today. Oppressor versus oppressed. Sound familiar yet?

A Push For Victimhood
On Steve Hilton’s program The Next Revolution, contributor Tammy Bruce likened the growth of woke culture in recent years to the despotic regimes of the Khmer Rouge and Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution. She lamented that:

“Young Americans do not know … No one is being taught about the Khmer Rouge, about China, the Chinese Communist Party, what it is about. To destroy an entire system in order to rebuild it.

“What that really means is the destruction of the educated, of people who might lift people up into something more. The destruction of people of faith. The destruction of faith itself, religion. The Soviet Union is the most modern example in a sense. But that was true and is true of the left in general.

“What we’re seeing is not new. It is, of course, packaged different for the 21st century and our mass media, which makes it even more difficult to deal with … It’s not a mistaken difference in the goals.”

She concluded that “It’s not about lifting people up; it’s about convincing people that victimhood and racism will never be abolished. And that what we saw in the killing fields [in Cambodia] is the only way to overcome it … to eliminate the people who have done this to you.”

Powerful words, indeed. But are they hyperbolic?

The Cultural Revolution
Fresh off the failure of the Great Leap Forward, which led to an estimated 15 million to 55 million deaths through starvation, Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong began in the mid-‘60s the Cultural Revolution (formerly known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution). This program sought to instill Maoism (or “Mao thought”) in the next generation by demonizing, abusing, and even killing those who represented the “old way.”

This social philosophy argued that capitalism was an oppressor and that through the destruction of the Four Olds (Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs), a new future would be born. Naturally, there were “undesirables” who had to be done away with, those who differed from the ideology of Maoism. That included landlords, dissident intellectuals, and wealthy business owners.

Are these not the same groups of people so ill-favored in today’s woke climate?

Struggle Sessions
According to emails obtained by the The Washington Free Beacon, Bowling Green University in Ohio is seeking to apply a “diversity score” to future applicants. Job seekers would be docked points for not sharing their personal experiences of diversity and inclusion and for “not addressing their own positionality.” To get a perfect score on the application, candidates need to demonstrate a “clear knowledge of, experience with, and interest in dimensions of diversity that result from different identities.” To the historical observer, does this appear to be a precursor to Mao’s Struggle Sessions, events where an accused person was publicly humiliated and invited to explain the error of their ways?

Candidates are invited to parrot the CRT narrative and admit – and presumably be apologetic for – their own “positionality.” If this is what is expected in the job interview, what will these teachers be pressured to teach to maintain employment going forward?

Consider actor John Cena’s recent abject apology delivered to the Chinese people for calling Taiwan a country. The former wrestling star released a begging apology for causing offense by speaking opposite to official Communist Party doctrine. This was Cena’s personal struggle session broadcast to the world.

CRT = Woke
To be considered woke in today’s culture is to accept the tenets of Critical Race Theory, abide by them, and endorse them; those who don’t face cultural backlash, criticism, and reduced employment opportunities.

This all comes back to the argument that there are oppressors and the oppressed; while the former still exist, the system must be broken. Rather than fixing remaining inequalities, proponents say that the whole society needs to be torn down and built again in the new image of equity and inclusivity.

As Bruce pointed out, this exercise in wokeness was never about lifting people to greater heights or even about creating a fair society. It was in the past, and it is today, a means of achieving political ends at the expense and detriment of the many.

For those who understand what happened in China, in the Soviet Union, in the killing fields of Cambodia, the message is all too clear: Marxism is back with a brand-new look, and if you stand in the way …


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Strange bedfellows indeed.


Critical Race Theory: Marxism In A Woke Cloak

Did Marxism and the dreams of a workers’ revolution really die with the fall of the Soviet Union? Or was the ideology just hibernating or waiting for a new cloak in which to wrap itself as it once more seeks to achieve its final goals? With Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in re-education programs, not only in schools but also government agencies, it seems the “old enemy” has found a new guise to wear among the masses of the innocent and uninformed young.

CRT asks participants to view the world, culture, history, and personal relationships through the prism of race and historic oppression. It invites them to understand that if they are not white, they have been oppressed, and if they are white, they are the oppressors who need to atone for the sins of their ancestors and for the privileges they enjoy today. Oppressor versus oppressed. Sound familiar yet?

A Push For Victimhood
On Steve Hilton’s program The Next Revolution, contributor Tammy Bruce likened the growth of woke culture in recent years to the despotic regimes of the Khmer Rouge and Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution. She lamented that:

“Young Americans do not know … No one is being taught about the Khmer Rouge, about China, the Chinese Communist Party, what it is about. To destroy an entire system in order to rebuild it.

“What that really means is the destruction of the educated, of people who might lift people up into something more. The destruction of people of faith. The destruction of faith itself, religion. The Soviet Union is the most modern example in a sense. But that was true and is true of the left in general.

“What we’re seeing is not new. It is, of course, packaged different for the 21st century and our mass media, which makes it even more difficult to deal with … It’s not a mistaken difference in the goals.”

She concluded that “It’s not about lifting people up; it’s about convincing people that victimhood and racism will never be abolished. And that what we saw in the killing fields [in Cambodia] is the only way to overcome it … to eliminate the people who have done this to you.”

Powerful words, indeed. But are they hyperbolic?

The Cultural Revolution
Fresh off the failure of the Great Leap Forward, which led to an estimated 15 million to 55 million deaths through starvation, Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong began in the mid-‘60s the Cultural Revolution (formerly known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution). This program sought to instill Maoism (or “Mao thought”) in the next generation by demonizing, abusing, and even killing those who represented the “old way.”

This social philosophy argued that capitalism was an oppressor and that through the destruction of the Four Olds (Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs), a new future would be born. Naturally, there were “undesirables” who had to be done away with, those who differed from the ideology of Maoism. That included landlords, dissident intellectuals, and wealthy business owners.

Are these not the same groups of people so ill-favored in today’s woke climate?

Struggle Sessions
According to emails obtained by the The Washington Free Beacon, Bowling Green University in Ohio is seeking to apply a “diversity score” to future applicants. Job seekers would be docked points for not sharing their personal experiences of diversity and inclusion and for “not addressing their own positionality.” To get a perfect score on the application, candidates need to demonstrate a “clear knowledge of, experience with, and interest in dimensions of diversity that result from different identities.” To the historical observer, does this appear to be a precursor to Mao’s Struggle Sessions, events where an accused person was publicly humiliated and invited to explain the error of their ways?

Candidates are invited to parrot the CRT narrative and admit – and presumably be apologetic for – their own “positionality.” If this is what is expected in the job interview, what will these teachers be pressured to teach to maintain employment going forward?

Consider actor John Cena’s recent abject apology delivered to the Chinese people for calling Taiwan a country. The former wrestling star released a begging apology for causing offense by speaking opposite to official Communist Party doctrine. This was Cena’s personal struggle session broadcast to the world.

CRT = Woke
To be considered woke in today’s culture is to accept the tenets of Critical Race Theory, abide by them, and endorse them; those who don’t face cultural backlash, criticism, and reduced employment opportunities.

This all comes back to the argument that there are oppressors and the oppressed; while the former still exist, the system must be broken. Rather than fixing remaining inequalities, proponents say that the whole society needs to be torn down and built again in the new image of equity and inclusivity.

As Bruce pointed out, this exercise in wokeness was never about lifting people to greater heights or even about creating a fair society. It was in the past, and it is today, a means of achieving political ends at the expense and detriment of the many.

For those who understand what happened in China, in the Soviet Union, in the killing fields of Cambodia, the message is all too clear: Marxism is back with a brand-new look, and if you stand in the way …

This is too tedious to read.
Black Africans who were shipped to the Americas as Slaves, could have been Slaves in America ... or Slaves in Africa. Either way, they were fucked.

News Flash: Most Blacks came here through Slavery. Blacks HATE White People because they see them as the 'Plantation Owners' (much like European Serfs viewed the Dukes, Barons, Earls, and local Princes of Feudal Europe). There is a reason for 'White Flight' from the Cities.

This is too tedious to read.
Black Africans who were shipped to the Americas as Slaves, could have been Slaves in America ... or Slaves in Africa. Either way, they were fucked.

News Flash: Most Blacks came here through Slavery. Blacks HATE White People because they see them as the 'Plantation Owners' (much like European Serfs viewed the Dukes, Barons, Earls, and local Princes of Feudal Europe). There is a reason for 'White Flight' from the Cities.

It's basically saying you're an idiot but that's not a new story. Here are the first two paragraphs I'm sure your ADD can cope with that!

Critical Race Theory: Marxism In A Woke Cloak

Did Marxism and the dreams of a workers’ revolution really die with the fall of the Soviet Union? Or was the ideology just hibernating or waiting for a new cloak in which to wrap itself as it once more seeks to achieve its final goals? With Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in re-education programs, not only in schools but also government agencies, it seems the “old enemy” has found a new guise to wear among the masses of the innocent and uninformed young.

CRT asks participants to view the world, culture, history, and personal relationships through the prism of race and historic oppression. It invites them to understand that if they are not white, they have been oppressed, and if they are white, they are the oppressors who need to atone for the sins of their ancestors and for the privileges they enjoy today. Oppressor versus oppressed. Sound familiar yet?
It's basically saying you're an idiot but that's not a new story. Here are the first two paragraphs I'm sure your ADD can cope with that!

Critical Race Theory: Marxism In A Woke Cloak

Did Marxism and the dreams of a workers’ revolution really die with the fall of the Soviet Union? Or was the ideology just hibernating or waiting for a new cloak in which to wrap itself as it once more seeks to achieve its final goals? With Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in re-education programs, not only in schools but also government agencies, it seems the “old enemy” has found a new guise to wear among the masses of the innocent and uninformed young.

CRT asks participants to view the world, culture, history, and personal relationships through the prism of race and historic oppression. It invites them to understand that if they are not white, they have been oppressed, and if they are white, they are the oppressors who need to atone for the sins of their ancestors and for the privileges they enjoy today. Oppressor versus oppressed. Sound familiar yet?

CRT seems to be a racist concept pure and simple. Some how some way, you are trying to call it 'Marxism'. I'm NOT buying your Sales Pitch.
CRT seems to be a racist concept pure and simple. Some how some way, you are trying to call it 'Marxism'. I'm NOT buying your Sales Pitch.

From Quora.

Karl Marx was a ranting madman, someone who would have been institutionalised in our day. He could not take care of himself. He was usually dirty, because he did not bathe much. His home was a mess, and visitors noted that the furniture was broken and full of poop. He usually went around with his fists clenched, shouting like an angry drunk. He did drink a lot and slept all day. Could not handle finances, borrowing money at high interest rates and getting angry when he had to pay it back. He consumed more resources than two skilled workmen at the time, but never held a real job or produced anything of value for others. At times most of his belongings were at the pawn shop, so his family only had one pair of pants and only he could leave the house. He only financed himself by smooching off his family or his revolutionary groupies. Most of his personal letters are begging people for money. He ended up getting a pension from Engels, meaning that he made his money in the very way he detested; as unearned rent from a factory-owning capitalist.

He produced many kids with various women, some illegitimate, which he did not take care of. Many died. He treated his wife like a concentration camp inmate, who ended up in misery. He had an indentured semi-slave maid he did not pay. He did not want his daughters to get educated, and several of them committed suicide.

He was extremely low in orderliness and was only interested in tearing down society instead of improving himself. His only concern was stopping modernity, in order to prevent a meritocracy in which his gene set would not have a chance at surviving. That's what motivated his hatred for market-meritocracies. His gene set would have greatly benefited from a welfare state, because he was incapable of taking personal responsibility and wanted others to pay for his life, so that he could use his genetic advantage, which was to breed a high number of low-quality kids.

He did not care about truthfulness much when writing and wildly distorted facts, while calling himself "scientific". Most of his writings are disorderly ramblings, claiming conclusions that could only distort the way he did because he knew how they were wrong. His main conclusion was that society was getting worse because of market-meritocracies, the very opposite of what was really happening. Only a few sentences of his work have much enduring significance; the one where he re-defined market economics as inherently exploitative by broadening medieval anti-Semitism to a wider narrative. To this end he invented the word “capitalist” as a replacement for the word “Jew”. His ramblings were mostly medieval anti-Semitism in disguise. Hitler read his theories and adapted them to his use.

It is kind of amazing that anyone took this guy seriously. But he was good with words and pithy slogans. He knew how to sell himself; another trait that he shared with his later followers the Nazis. If that is the far-left's high priest, it shows who they really are.
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"Marx has been described as one of the most influential figures in human history and his work has been both lauded and criticised.[17] His work in economics laid the basis for some current theories about labour and its relation to capital.[18][19][20] Many intellectuals, labour unions, artists and political parties worldwide have been influenced by Marx's work, with many modifying or adapting his ideas. Marx is typically cited as one of the principal architects of modern social science.[21][22]"

Oh. Did you know both his parents were Jewish?