The most vaunted profession

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1

How to Become a Meter Maid

Meter maid is the colloquial term for a parking-enforcement officer. Parking-enforcement officers search for parking violations by foot, scooter, bicycle or other vehicle. Parking-enforcement officers may patrol during the day or night and work independently. To become a meter maid, you need a high-school diploma or the equivalent and a passing score on the civil-service exam.


Call your municipal human-resources office and ask about regulations for parking-enforcement officers. Most states and cities require meter maids to have passed the law-enforcement civil-service exam, though some areas may have different requirements. Sign up to take the law-enforcement civic-service exam in your community.

Study for the civil-service exam. Subjects covered include customer service, statistics, arithmetic, logic and vocabulary. There will be law-enforcement-related questions as well. Purchase a civil-service-exam study guide at your local bookstore. Take the test.

Contact your local human-resources department to discuss parking-enforcement positions once you have passed the civil-service exam. The human-resources official will direct you to any open positions.

Check for jobs in nearby communities by calling that city's or town's human-resources department or by searching online. Apply for parking-enforcement positions you find.

Become hired as a parking-enforcement official and receive training. A co-worker will show you on-the-job skills, including how to process parking tickets, how to service a route and how to identify cars that have been parked for longer than the maximum time.

Read more: How to Become a Meter Maid *

you don't even need a high school diploma folks!!!!!
Damn, almost makes me want to quit my laborious job as safety inspector/welder/customer service rep/bitch.
did you notice the awesome ride you get.....and, you're a parking enforcement officer!!!!
They don't get those in my town. It's a standard Crown Vic, which I already have. If we DID get those sweet puppies though...