The Mother Of All Coverups


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Finally, everything the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Justice, and Democrats in Congress did was done to make certain that Hillary would never be indicted for anything. After more than two years Democrats are still going bananas trying to keep Hillary out of jail. It is the first time I ever saw Democrats so conspicuously engage in a coverup on top of a coverup. It matters not which Democrats Hillary’s coverup destroys in the process so long as she beats the rap.

There is a lot to coverup:

You may recall former FBI Director James Comey explaining to Congress that "no reasonable prosecutor" would have brought charges against Hillary Clinton. Under this immunity agreement, it's hardly surprising that Comey would have made such a self-serving statement.

What these various FOIA revelations have shown is that the fix was in for Hillary's "exoneration" from the start. It's also clear that there was a privileged standard of justice applied to Clinton and her aides that made prosecuting her extremely difficult.

The Fix Was in from the Start for Hillary's 'Exoneration,' Immunity Agreements with Aides Suggest
By Rick Moran
July 30, 2019

This is what I meant by “. . . a coverup on top of a coverup.”

The FBI is going to court to fight the public release of a small number of documents the State Department sent to agents from Christopher Steele, the British intelligence operative and Hillary Clinton-paid political muckraker, during the 2016 election.

Normally, such Freedom of Information Act cases don’t merit public attention. This one does.

Bottom line: Christopher Wray sets a new standard —— NOT covering up for Hillary Clinton helps terrorists:

To hear the FBI tell it, the release of former Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathleen Kavalec’s documents is tantamount to giving up the keys to President Trump’s nuclear briefcase, aiding the enemy or assisting terrorists.

Chris Wray's FBI continues to cover for Team Comey's Russia shenanigans
By John Solomon
07/30/19 09:30 AM ED

I get the feeling the FBI would coverup for Benedict Arnold if he was working for Hillary Clinton.

I am not a sandy hook conspiracy theorist, but someone posted a pic comparing David Hogg with Adam Lanza with the claim that they were the same dude. I wanted to see if I could debunk it.
What do you think?
Finally, everything the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Justice, and Democrats in Congress did was done to make certain that Hillary would never be indicted for anything. After more than two years Democrats are still going bananas trying to keep Hillary out of jail. It is the first time I ever saw Democrats so conspicuously engage in a coverup on top of a coverup. It matters not which Democrats Hillary’s coverup destroys in the process so long as she beats the rap.

There is a lot to coverup:

You may recall former FBI Director James Comey explaining to Congress that "no reasonable prosecutor" would have brought charges against Hillary Clinton. Under this immunity agreement, it's hardly surprising that Comey would have made such a self-serving statement.

What these various FOIA revelations have shown is that the fix was in for Hillary's "exoneration" from the start. It's also clear that there was a privileged standard of justice applied to Clinton and her aides that made prosecuting her extremely difficult.

The Fix Was in from the Start for Hillary's 'Exoneration,' Immunity Agreements with Aides Suggest
By Rick Moran
July 30, 2019

This is what I meant by “. . . a coverup on top of a coverup.”

The FBI is going to court to fight the public release of a small number of documents the State Department sent to agents from Christopher Steele, the British intelligence operative and Hillary Clinton-paid political muckraker, during the 2016 election.

Normally, such Freedom of Information Act cases don’t merit public attention. This one does.

Bottom line: Christopher Wray sets a new standard —— NOT covering up for Hillary Clinton helps terrorists:

To hear the FBI tell it, the release of former Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathleen Kavalec’s documents is tantamount to giving up the keys to President Trump’s nuclear briefcase, aiding the enemy or assisting terrorists.

Chris Wray's FBI continues to cover for Team Comey's Russia shenanigans
By John Solomon
07/30/19 09:30 AM ED

I get the feeling the FBI would coverup for Benedict Arnold if he was working for Hillary Clinton.

It's the biggest scandal in American History. The Russia Hoax was orchastrated by the Obama Justice Dept, FBI and the DNC to frame up our Great President for crimes he didn't commit. When the IG report comes out and the other investigations of the FISA Court applications some big shit muckity Muck's are going to jail.
it's better that the demented cracka goyim fantasies of deep state post on message board instead of acting on their white terrorism impulses

See here's the thing guno I found this inside tape of the Mueller investigation I think you're the guy hanging up on the pillar!

I was sittin' flickin' chickens. And I'm looking through the pickins'. When suddenly these goys break down my walls. I didn't even know them. And they grab me by the scrotum. And they started playing ping-pong with my balls. Oy the agony. Oh the shame, To make your privates public for a game!

I think that's Mueller in the red as the Grand Inquisitor!
