The Motivated Ignorance of Trump Supporters


Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll

But it would be an affectation for me, at least, to pretend that in this particular circumstance otherwise good people, in joining the MAGA movement, in actively advocating on its behalf, and in planning to cast a vote for Trump, haven’t—given all we know—done something grievously wrong.

Some of them are cynical and know better; others are blind to the cultlike world to which they belong. Still others have convinced themselves that Trump, although flawed, is the best of bad options. It’s a “binary choice,” they say, and so they have talked themselves into supporting arguably the most comprehensively corrupt man in the history of American politics, certainly in presidential politics.

Whichever justification applies, they are giving not just their vote but their allegiance to a man and movement that have done great harm to our country and its ideals, and which seek to inflict even deeper wounds in the years ahead. Many of them are self-proclaimed evangelicals and fundamentalists, and they are also doing inestimable damage to the Christian faith they claim is central to their lives. That collaboration needs to be named. A generation from now, and probably sooner, it will be obvious to everyone that Trump supporters can’t claim they didn’t know.
Yes, they choose to be ignorant. Like claiming to be an expert on Jan. 6 Capitol attack yet have absolutely no facts to argue with.

Some of them are cynical and know better; others are blind to the cultlike world to which they belong. Still others have convinced themselves that Trump, although flawed, is the best of bad options. It’s a “binary choice,” they say, and so they have talked themselves into supporting arguably the most comprehensively corrupt man in the history of American politics, certainly in presidential politics.

I'll begin by saying that a good portion (if not all) of the posts by liberals here who are seriously suffering from TDS,
have yet if rarely ever posted anything describing biden's accomplishments as president; I'm talking about accomplishments
that have actually helped the American citizen, or helped America in any way. For there are none, and these leftist cult
members know it.

Second: Trump has never been corrupt, for any and all of those ridiculous-political charges against him by a totally corrupt DOJ, AG, and the top cover ups at the FBI etc. You want corruption, the Big Guy joe biden and his crackhead son Hunter with
all their sleazy dealings with Ukraine, China et al that has netted that biden crime family millions in dollars.
Whichever justification applies, they are giving not just their vote but their allegiance to a man and movement that have done great harm to our country and its ideals, and which seek to inflict even deeper wounds in the years ahead. Many of them are self-proclaimed evangelicals and fundamentalists, and they are also doing inestimable damage to the Christian faith they claim is central to their lives. That collaboration needs to be named. A generation from now, and probably sooner, it will be obvious to everyone that Trump supporters can’t claim they didn’t know.
Surely you could be the first Leftist TDS brainiac to give a list of those terrible and or harmful acts that Trump and his
Conservative/Populous movement have done. And how are we Pro American, Pro Constitution, Pro Life, Conservative,
family oriented people on the RIGHT doing inestimable harm to our Christian faith?
I'll begin by saying that a good portion (if not all) of the posts by liberals here who are seriously suffering from TDS,
have yet if rarely ever posted anything describing biden's accomplishments as president; I'm talking about accomplishments
that have actually helped the American citizen, or helped America in any way. For there are none, and these leftist cult
members know it.

Second: Trump has never been corrupt, for any and all of those ridiculous-political charges against him by a totally corrupt DOJ, AG, and the top cover ups at the FBI etc. You want corruption, the Big Guy joe biden and his crackhead son Hunter with
all their sleazy dealings with Ukraine, China et al that has netted that biden crime family millions in dollars.

Surely you could be the first Leftist TDS brainiac to give a list of those terrible and or harmful acts that Trump and his
Conservative/Populous movement have done. And how are we Pro American, Pro Constitution, Pro Life, Conservative,
family oriented people on the RIGHT doing inestimable harm to our Christian faith?
If you believe your lies you are dumber than we think you are.
If you believe your lies you are dumber than we think you are.
He believes. He is scary crazy and steeped in crazy right-wing lies, which he thinks are undeniable facts. I would have put him on ignore except it is like watching a train wreck. How crazy can he get?
He believes. He is scary crazy and steeped in crazy right-wing lies, which he thinks are undeniable facts. I would have put him on ignore except it is like watching a train wreck. How crazy can he get?
He keeps asking for people to respond. We keep telling him he is crazy.
He keeps asking for people to respond. We keep telling him he is crazy.
To respond point by point, would be meaningless because his mind is shut by his Trumpism. He is 100 percent sold on his vulpine gnus sources. He can't be reached.
But it would be an affectation for me, at least, to pretend that in this particular circumstance otherwise good people, in joining the MAGA movement, in actively advocating on its behalf, and in planning to cast a vote for Trump, haven’t—given all we know—done something grievously wrong.
Trump supporters are in no circumstance otherwise good people.
Good people are not expected to tolerate them....should not be expected to endure them.
Trump supporters not having been purged are why we're losing our democratic republic.
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But it would be an affectation for me, at least, to pretend that in this particular circumstance otherwise good people, in joining the MAGA movement, in actively advocating on its behalf, and in planning to cast a vote for Trump, haven’t—given all we know—done something grievously wrong.

Some of them are cynical and know better; others are blind to the cultlike world to which they belong. Still others have convinced themselves that Trump, although flawed, is the best of bad options. It’s a “binary choice,” they say, and so they have talked themselves into supporting arguably the most comprehensively corrupt man in the history of American politics, certainly in presidential politics.

Whichever justification applies, they are giving not just their vote but their allegiance to a man and movement that have done great harm to our country and its ideals, and which seek to inflict even deeper wounds in the years ahead. Many of them are self-proclaimed evangelicals and fundamentalists, and they are also doing inestimable damage to the Christian faith they claim is central to their lives. That collaboration needs to be named. A generation from now, and probably sooner, it will be obvious to everyone that Trump supporters can’t claim they didn’t know.
I love when you turds try to wrap yourself is this bullshit. You realize people are conscious and can see how you cockroaches behave right? No wonder you support diddlin' joe