APP - The Myth of the Southern Strategy


Former Vice President
It is common belief among the left that right after the passage of Civil Rights in 1965 that the racist democrats en masse said to themselves, we are becoming Republicans. It is also a myth that Richard Nixon had some Southern Strategy to use "coded racial words" that only southern democrats could understand, thus peeling them off of the democrat party.

Well it is all a lie to shield the democrat party from their violent racist past.

This is a great read
It is odd, two separate threads were started to respond to this one. One wonders what the aversion is to APP by JPP liberals.

Only one thread ban, so that can't be it.
I often wonder how Clinton won the south when the south switched to the Republican Party.

I also wonder if JPP liberals realize that states like Kentucky until recently had democrat legislatures. And I think many have more registered democrats than republicans.

So this whole "racist democrats became republicans" is just urban legend designed to whitewash democrat racist history