The Nancy Pelosi Cemetery


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Trump’s problem is that presidents do not negotiate against the Supreme Court. Even if Trump could break the mold the split will remain 5 liberals versus 4 conservatives if you count Kavanaugh as a conservative. Media mouths will report a 5 to 4 split regardless of which justice might leave.

. . . the court’s balance never did much good for the American people, but you can bet your ass that if Democrat Party Socialists/Communists had a chance at 6 or more seats on the court the word ‘balance’ would be declared politically incorrect.

Maintaining the Court’s balance is biggest load of judicial bullshit television mouths ever dumped on the public. The so-called balance will always lean left. Have you ever seen it go to the right? I never did! Gorsuch and Kavanaugh certainly did not move the Court to the right.

NOTE: Chief Justice Roberts will probably side with the Democrats on the citizenship form. The lawyer pleading the case for the American people should at least ask the Nifty Nine to explain how the number of seats in the House of Representative will be allocated after every illegal alien gets a vote?

John Roberts will not change his stripes for DACA next year, or 20 years from now:

Washington (CNN)The Supreme Court said Friday it will review next term President Donald Trump's decision to terminate an Obama-era program that protects hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children, setting up a potential decision in the heart of the 2020 presidential election.

A decision siding with the administration could strip protections for nearly 700,000 so-called Dreamers.

Supreme Court to decide future of DACA protections for undocumented immigrants
By Ariane de Vogue and Priscilla Alvarez, CNN
Updated 10:49 AM ET, Fri June 28, 2019

It is important to point out that Trump knew how to negotiate in the private sector, but he was as green as grass when he began negotiating against professional politicians. I doubt if Trump understands that Democrats negotiate incrementally. Anything Democrats agree to moves their agenda forward one baby step at a time. A Democrat’s word word means nothing if Trump signs the Senate Bill.

The Senate migration crisis bill provides more than $1 billion to preserve the orderly inflow of many economic migrants into Americans’ workplaces and schools, and includes no spending to curb migration.

The Senate also ensures more than $3 billion to maintain the well-organized pipeline of so-called “Unaccompanied Alien Children” from Central America to their sponsors in the United States. Most of the sponsors are the youths’ parents and in-laws, many of whom are living illegally in the United States.

The Senate bill preserves the UAC pipeline because it includes a Democratic amendment which bars ICE from deporting the illegal immigrants who sign up as “sponsors.” In 2018, President Donald Trump’s enforcement officers began deporting illegals who revealed themselves while trying to pick up their children at shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Nancy Pelosi Accepts Senate’s Migrant Funding Bill, Drops House’s Radical Plan
27 Jun 2019

Trump better begin to negotiate against Democrats and Republicans alike before any bill is written. In short: Trump must negotiate against the federal government rather than negotiate against one political party or the other. On the day Trump realizes that everything that started to go wrong this country began in the early part of the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century is the day the American people get a level playing field.

Should Trump somehow get a DACA Bill before next year —— a bill that does not reward illegal aliens —— the Supreme Court will declare it unconstitutional.

Mass migrations, millions of illegal aliens, and economic asylum was unheard of before WWII. Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch McConnell & Company are not the first federal government shock troops to realize that immigration is the weapon they needed to administer the coup de grâce. The Pelosi-McConnell funding bill not only keeps the border open it pays pays millions of CHILDREN to come here illegally on top of paying the ones already here.

Make no mistake about where the federal government’s loyalty lies. The federal government will never write a bill that defends the American people against open borders.

Decent men and women cried for these immigrants because they saw pictures, but nobody laid the blame for those deaths where it belongs —— squarely on the U.N.’s no national borders policy.







The United Nations needs a large cemetery in Europe to bury all of its victims. Democrats need a marble orchard in this country to bury their victims. It should be named the Nancy Pelosi Cemetery:

Finally, Diarrhea Mouth always played a starring role in American children dying from the diseases her beloved illegal aliens brought in. She is not ashamed of American children dying because of her efforts. The least Typhoid Nancy could do is explain to Democrat voters how much she is doing to bring in new cases of Ebola through her open-borders?
Such a smart dad ! He tucked his 2 yr old who couldn’t swim under his shirt ... thinking she would be safe crossing a flowing river ! How stupid can you be ?????
Trump’s problem is that presidents do not negotiate against the Supreme Court. Even if Trump could break the mold the split will remain 5 liberals versus 4 conservatives if you count Kavanaugh as a conservative. Media mouths will report a 5 to 4 split regardless of which justice might leave.

. . . the court’s balance never did much good for the American people, but you can bet your ass that if Democrat Party Socialists/Communists had a chance at 6 or more seats on the court the word ‘balance’ would be declared politically incorrect.

Maintaining the Court’s balance is biggest load of judicial bullshit television mouths ever dumped on the public. The so-called balance will always lean left. Have you ever seen it go to the right? I never did! Gorsuch and Kavanaugh certainly did not move the Court to the right.

NOTE: Chief Justice Roberts will probably side with the Democrats on the citizenship form. The lawyer pleading the case for the American people should at least ask the Nifty Nine to explain how the number of seats in the House of Representative will be allocated after every illegal alien gets a vote?

John Roberts will not change his stripes for DACA next year, or 20 years from now:

Washington (CNN)The Supreme Court said Friday it will review next term President Donald Trump's decision to terminate an Obama-era program that protects hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children, setting up a potential decision in the heart of the 2020 presidential election.

A decision siding with the administration could strip protections for nearly 700,000 so-called Dreamers.

Supreme Court to decide future of DACA protections for undocumented immigrants
By Ariane de Vogue and Priscilla Alvarez, CNN
Updated 10:49 AM ET, Fri June 28, 2019

It is important to point out that Trump knew how to negotiate in the private sector, but he was as green as grass when he began negotiating against professional politicians. I doubt if Trump understands that Democrats negotiate incrementally. Anything Democrats agree to moves their agenda forward one baby step at a time. A Democrat’s word word means nothing if Trump signs the Senate Bill.

The Senate migration crisis bill provides more than $1 billion to preserve the orderly inflow of many economic migrants into Americans’ workplaces and schools, and includes no spending to curb migration.

The Senate also ensures more than $3 billion to maintain the well-organized pipeline of so-called “Unaccompanied Alien Children” from Central America to their sponsors in the United States. Most of the sponsors are the youths’ parents and in-laws, many of whom are living illegally in the United States.

The Senate bill preserves the UAC pipeline because it includes a Democratic amendment which bars ICE from deporting the illegal immigrants who sign up as “sponsors.” In 2018, President Donald Trump’s enforcement officers began deporting illegals who revealed themselves while trying to pick up their children at shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Nancy Pelosi Accepts Senate’s Migrant Funding Bill, Drops House’s Radical Plan
27 Jun 2019

Trump better begin to negotiate against Democrats and Republicans alike before any bill is written. In short: Trump must negotiate against the federal government rather than negotiate against one political party or the other. On the day Trump realizes that everything that started to go wrong this country began in the early part of the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century is the day the American people get a level playing field.

Should Trump somehow get a DACA Bill before next year —— a bill that does not reward illegal aliens —— the Supreme Court will declare it unconstitutional.

Mass migrations, millions of illegal aliens, and economic asylum was unheard of before WWII. Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch McConnell & Company are not the first federal government shock troops to realize that immigration is the weapon they needed to administer the coup de grâce. The Pelosi-McConnell funding bill not only keeps the border open it pays pays millions of CHILDREN to come here illegally on top of paying the ones already here.

Make no mistake about where the federal government’s loyalty lies. The federal government will never write a bill that defends the American people against open borders.

Decent men and women cried for these immigrants because they saw pictures, but nobody laid the blame for those deaths where it belongs —— squarely on the U.N.’s no national borders policy.







The United Nations needs a large cemetery in Europe to bury all of its victims. Democrats need a marble orchard in this country to bury their victims. It should be named the Nancy Pelosi Cemetery:

Finally, Diarrhea Mouth always played a starring role in American children dying from the diseases her beloved illegal aliens brought in. She is not ashamed of American children dying because of her efforts. The least Typhoid Nancy could do is explain to Democrat voters how much she is doing to bring in new cases of Ebola through her open-borders?

Trump's only negotiating skill or strategy is bullying. Everything that started to go right in this country began in the early part of the 20th century. Improvements in jobs, wages, the environment. All due to putting limits on capitalism.

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Everything that started to go right in this country began in the early part of the 20th century. Improvements in jobs, wages, the environment. All due to putting limits on capitalism.

To rjhenn:
For your edification:

1. Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection for the most people in a severely limited form of government.

2. Socialism is a form of government that works for the least number of people.

3. Socialism and capitalism are, and always will be, incompatible.

Where is your proof that Socialism’s limits on capitalism made this a better country for freedom-loving AMERICANS? Your attack on laissez faire economics gave this country omnipotent bankers, open borders, tens of millions of illegal aliens, the tax collector’s morality, surrendering national sovereignty to the the UNIC (United Nations/International Community), the democracy movement, and a burgeoning parasite class acquiring more of the nation’s wealth every year.

The truth about big government collectivism barely touches on the damage Socialists/Communists set in motion in 1913 —— the worst year, and the worst president, in our history. These three HISTORICAL FACTS alone demolish your absurd claims:

1. The XVI Amendment.

2. The XVII Amendment.

3. The Federal Reserve.

I will close by pointing out how you and your kind pay for your system of government:

. . . Equal Distribution of the Wealth is unworkable; so American Communists replaced it with Circulation of the Wealth. There was one inherent flaw in utopian economics. As tax dollars circulate time after time the parasite class consumes more and more of the nation’s wealth. At least working Americans before 1913 had the choice of working for themselves in the private sector during boom and bust cycles; whereas, Circulation of the Wealth forces every private sector American to work for strangers rather than work for themselves and their loved ones.

NOTE: A majority of Americans remained employed during the worst busts before and during the Great Depression. The same is true of contemporary “downturns.”
. . . in 2008, abortion was something Democrats wanted to be safe, legal, and rare. Now, they want it to be unrestricted and taxpayer-funded. They want abortions all the way up virtually to the point of birth.

Nutso Nancy fights so hard to protect Roe v. Wade along with funding Planned Parenthood, 60,000,000-plus dead babies should be buried in her cemetery:

Pelosi would raise her hand to show she cares more about illegal aliens than she cares about American babies:

To rjhenn:
For your edification:

1. Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection for the most people in a severely limited form of government.

2. Socialism is a form of government that works for the least number of people.

3. Socialism and capitalism are, and always will be, incompatible.

Where is your proof that Socialism’s limits on capitalism made this a better country for freedom-loving AMERICANS? Your attack on laissez faire economics gave this country omnipotent bankers, open borders, tens of millions of illegal aliens, the tax collector’s morality, surrendering national sovereignty to the the UNIC (United Nations/International Community), the democracy movement, and a burgeoning parasite class acquiring more of the nation’s wealth every year.

The truth about big government collectivism barely touches on the damage Socialists/Communists set in motion in 1913 —— the worst year, and the worst president, in our history. These three HISTORICAL FACTS alone demolish your absurd claims:

1. The XVI Amendment.

2. The XVII Amendment.

3. The Federal Reserve.

I will close by pointing out how you and your kind pay for your system of government:

. . . Equal Distribution of the Wealth is unworkable; so American Communists replaced it with Circulation of the Wealth. There was one inherent flaw in utopian economics. As tax dollars circulate time after time the parasite class consumes more and more of the nation’s wealth. At least working Americans before 1913 had the choice of working for themselves in the private sector during boom and bust cycles; whereas, Circulation of the Wealth forces every private sector American to work for strangers rather than work for themselves and their loved ones.

NOTE: A majority of Americans remained employed during the worst busts before and during the Great Depression. The same is true of contemporary “downturns.”

For your edification, neither capitalism or socialism exist. Every industrial country is a mixture, In Scandinavian counties, they have capitalism including corporations and private business. They just tax their people to have safety nets and health care. We tax our people to give more wealth to the top 1 percent.
. . . in 2008, abortion was something Democrats wanted to be safe, legal, and rare. Now, they want it to be unrestricted and taxpayer-funded. They want abortions all the way up virtually to the point of birth.

Nutso Nancy fights so hard to protect Roe v. Wade along with funding Planned Parenthood, 60,000,000-plus dead babies should be buried in her cemetery:

Pelosi would raise her hand to show she cares more about illegal aliens than she cares about American babies:

Dems still want it safe and rare. it has been proven that sex education and easily obtained protection cuts abortion in half. Those are left policies fought hard by rightys who do all they can to make abortion more common. Now they want to drive it underground and make it dangerous. You can outlaw abortion but not stop it,. Of course, we know such bills do not hurt the wealthy, they have always had access to abortion. Go away for a quick vaca and come back 6 lbs 2 oz lighter.
Look! Here is the deal that should upset every American- The Supreme Court was intended to be an A-political body of government.

And up until the new Century, Both the Executive and Congressional branch worked in a bi-partisan way to insure they selected and approved of proven judges who did not judge from a biased political viewpoint.

Now John Roberts is having to take the initiative to be the switch hitter or balancing point and deciding factor to break up and keep the political bias out and away from bench decisions.

Donald Trump had a great chance to put another A-Political judge on the Supreme Court- Merrick Garland- but he was taken off of the list by Donald Trump because Obama selected him first- and he was not going to have it.

Nor, does Donald Trump ever intend on nominating the easy shoe in judge- just because of his personal hatred towards Obama!

That's OK, in 2020 the Democrats will put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court!
Look! Here is the deal that should upset every American- The Supreme Court was intended to be an A-political body of government.

And up until the new Century, Both the Executive and Congressional branch worked in a bi-partisan way to insure they selected and approved of proven judges who did not judge from a biased political viewpoint.

Now John Roberts is having to take the initiative to be the switch hitter or balancing point and deciding factor to break up and keep the political bias out and away from bench decisions.

Donald Trump had a great chance to put another A-Political judge on the Supreme Court- Merrick Garland- but he was taken off of the list by Donald Trump because Obama selected him first- and he was not going to have it.

Nor, does Donald Trump ever intend on nominating the easy shoe in judge- just because of his personal hatred towards Obama!

That's OK, in 2020 the Democrats will put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court!

As long as McConnell has the power in the senate, the Dems will seat no one. Mitch will leave it empty until he dies. The days of picking the best juror are long gone. The Red Federalist society gives dummies like Trump[ list to pick from. They are long ago vetted to be far right, pro-corporate judges.
Garland was a centrist, not a lefty.

To rjhenn:
For your edification:

1. Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection for the most people in a severely limited form of government.

2. Socialism is a form of government that works for the least number of people.

3. Socialism and capitalism are, and always will be, incompatible.

Where is your proof that Socialism’s limits on capitalism made this a better country for freedom-loving AMERICANS? Your attack on laissez faire economics gave this country omnipotent bankers, open borders, tens of millions of illegal aliens, the tax collector’s morality, surrendering national sovereignty to the the UNIC (United Nations/International Community), the democracy movement, and a burgeoning parasite class acquiring more of the nation’s wealth every year.

The truth about big government collectivism barely touches on the damage Socialists/Communists set in motion in 1913 —— the worst year, and the worst president, in our history. These three HISTORICAL FACTS alone demolish your absurd claims:

1. The XVI Amendment.

2. The XVII Amendment.

3. The Federal Reserve.

I will close by pointing out how you and your kind pay for your system of government:

. . . Equal Distribution of the Wealth is unworkable; so American Communists replaced it with Circulation of the Wealth. There was one inherent flaw in utopian economics. As tax dollars circulate time after time the parasite class consumes more and more of the nation’s wealth. At least working Americans before 1913 had the choice of working for themselves in the private sector during boom and bust cycles; whereas, Circulation of the Wealth forces every private sector American to work for strangers rather than work for themselves and their loved ones.

NOTE: A majority of Americans remained employed during the worst busts before and during the Great Depression. The same is true of contemporary “downturns.”
You know an awful lot that's not true and not much that is. The unrestrained capitalism of the 19th century resulted in massive amounts of poverty and disease and a few very rich people. The country started to prosper with the growth of the middle class, fueled by the growth of unions. Government regulation also reversed much of the environmental damage done by unbridled capitalism, improving health for many. Bits of socialism are required to patch up the great gaping holes in capitalism, just as bits of capitalism are required to patch up the great gaping holes in socialism. Neither system works well by itself.

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. . . in 2008, abortion was something Democrats wanted to be safe, legal, and rare. Now, they want it to be unrestricted and taxpayer-funded. They want abortions all the way up virtually to the point of birth.

Nutso Nancy fights so hard to protect Roe v. Wade along with funding Planned Parenthood, 60,000,000-plus dead babies should be buried in her cemetery:

Pelosi would raise her hand to show she cares more about illegal aliens than she cares about American babies:
The usual partisan delusions. It's the Republicans who want to deny the American dream to anyone except their rich donors. Now it appears they're becoming concerned about the availability of abortion drugs over the internet.

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