The nation is diversifying even faster than predicted, according to new census data

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
U.S. Census Bureau has just released its last batch of race-ethnic population estimates in advance of the 2020 census, with data indicating that the national headcount will reveal a more diverse nation than was previously expected. The new estimates show that nearly four of 10 Americans identify with a race or ethnic group other than white, and suggest that the 2010 to 2020 decade will be the first in the nation’s history in which the white population declined in numbers.

Over the decade’s first nine years, racial and ethnic minorities accounted for all of the nation’s population growth, and were responsible for population gains in many states, metropolitan areas, and counties that would have otherwise registered losses due to declines in their white populations.
U.S. Census Bureau has just released its last batch of race-ethnic population estimates in advance of the 2020 census, with data indicating that the national headcount will reveal a more diverse nation than was previously expected. The new estimates show that nearly four of 10 Americans identify with a race or ethnic group other than white, and suggest that the 2010 to 2020 decade will be the first in the nation’s history in which the white population declined in numbers.

Over the decade’s first nine years, racial and ethnic minorities accounted for all of the nation’s population growth, and were responsible for population gains in many states, metropolitan areas, and counties that would have otherwise registered losses due to declines in their white populations.

Rest assured, you will be dead and long gone long before the white population is the minority. What I am trying to get my head around is why this has any bearing on anything. Do America hating idiots like you actually think that white are the problem? DUMB!
U.S. Census Bureau has just released its last batch of race-ethnic population estimates in advance of the 2020 census, with data indicating that the national headcount will reveal a more diverse nation than was previously expected. The new estimates show that nearly four of 10 Americans identify with a race or ethnic group other than white, and suggest that the 2010 to 2020 decade will be the first in the nation’s history in which the white population declined in numbers.

Over the decade’s first nine years, racial and ethnic minorities accounted for all of the nation’s population growth, and were responsible for population gains in many states, metropolitan areas, and counties that would have otherwise registered losses due to declines in their white populations.

BAD news.:|
Exactly, my friend, exactly.

Another big problem is the grievance culture of the Victim Culture Cult...Nixon figured this out when blacks were less happy and less happy with America in 1970 than they had been in 1960, when their lives had been made much better because of the civil rights movement and the Great Society....boatloads of money for instance had been pushed towards blacks over the decade.....their lives were by most every measure easier and better, and yet they were sure that things were worse.....because that is what their leaders kept telling them and encouraging them to think. Nixon of course did not see the VCC forming so he did not put it in those terms but he clearly could see how disastrous grievance promotion had been, to the point that the reality of a much better black life was ignored by many/most blacks, their brains could not take in the reality of the situation.

Sadly we never as a nation figured out what Nixon figured out...and now look where we are.
Another big problem is the grievance culture of the Victim Culture Cult...Nixon figured this out when blacks were less happy and less happy with America in 1970 than they had been in 1960, when their lives had been made much better because of the civil rights movement and the Great Society....boatloads of money for instance had been pushed towards blacks over the decade.....their lives were by most every measure easier and better, and yet they were sure that things were worse.....because that is what their leaders kept telling them and encouraging them to think. Nixon of course did not see the VCC forming so he did not put it in those terms but he clearly could see how disastrous grievance promotion had been, to the point that the reality of a much better black life was ignored by many/most blacks, their brains could not take in the reality of the situation.

Sadly we never as a nation figured out what Nixon figured out...and now look where we are.


I think that logic is where the "Cadillac welfare queen" originated, how come those xxxxxxs aren't happy with all we gave them, don't they know how much better they have it now then before
The illogic of the data is that “identifying” as an ethnicity and diversity are not the same thing. For example, much of the population growth is due to higher birth rates of racial minorities but it doesn’t say how many of those are due to interracial relationships which have grown exponentially in recent years.

Then there is the fact that it is culture that counts more than race. How many people, regardless of race, identify as main stream American or how many children of immigrants have assimilated as main stream American? The same with biracial children? Though identified as another race other than white the vast majority identify as mainstream America.

So what does it matter if those of different ethnicity are assimilated into the mainstream of American culture? What difference does it make if they share our values and support our institutions?

None really if you think about it. So the population is getting browner due to assimilation. Whoop de do We’re still Americans.