The Need for a Democratic Congress


Will work for Scooby snacks
Fmr. GOP Rep: "It Is In The Best Interests Of The Nation…To Return Control Of The House To Temporary Democratic Control"

The following is a letter from former Republican Congressman and Presidential candidate Pete McCloskey.


-Pete McCloseky

I have found it difficult in the past several weeks to reach a conclusion as to what a citizen should do with respect to this fall's forthcoming congressional elections.

I am a Republican, intend to remain a Republican, and am descended from three generations of California Republicans, active in Merced and San Bernardino Counties as well as in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have just engaged in an unsuccessful effort to defeat the Republican Chairman of the House Resources Committee, Richard Pombo, in the 11th Congressional District Republican primary, obtaining just over 32% of the Republican vote against Pombo's 62%.

The observation of Mr. Pombo's political consultant, Wayne Johnson, that I have been mired in the obsolete values of the 1970s, honesty, good ethics and balanced budgets, all rejected by today's modern Republicans, is only too accurate.

It has been difficult, nevertheless, to conclude as I have, that the Republican House leadership has been so unalterably corrupted by power and money that reasonable Republicans should support Democrats against DeLay-type Republican incumbents in 2006. Let me try to explain why.

I have decided to endorse Jerry McNerney and every other honorable Democrat now challenging those Republican incumbents who have acted to protect former Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who have flatly reneged on their Contract With America promise in 1994 to restore high standards of ethical behavior in the House and who have combined to prevent investigation of the Cunningham and Abramoff/Pombo/DeLay scandals. These Republican incumbents have brought shame on the House, and have created a wide-spread view in the public at large that Republicans are more interested in obtaining campaign contributions from corporate lobbyists than they are in legislating in the public interest.

Oh, Pete. You never give up, do you? Face it, buddy: the Repukes are a lost cause.


BTW -- McCloskey's one of, I think, 2 Republicans I've ever voted for. I'm biased and freely admit it.
Oh absolutely cypriss, this nation is full of problems, so here's how a Liberal Democrat run congress is gonna fix 'em.

1. Terrorism
Problem: Bush went into Iraq which had no terrorists and he lets terrorists go.
Solution: We must grant more rights to those in Guantanamo, it's unfair that they have had no trial. Also, as we all know 15 out of 19 terrorists from Sep 11, came from Saudi Arabia, so as revenge we will invade/bomb the country where they were born - that'll teach 'em. Oh yes and the Saudis don't let women drive! That's much worse than some dictator who has in the past gassed kids.
Oh yes and war in Iran needed, they have the real WMD.
With this plan terrorism will soon be a thing of the past.

2. Jobs
Problem: Unemployment not as good as in the 90's. Too many businesses going overseas.
Solution: Increase taxes on the rich and corporations, reinstate regulations Bush cut and of course add more new regulations.
These actions should help reattract job-creating business and investment.

3. Deficit Too High
Problem: The deficit has gone up by large amounts because of too much spending.
Solution: We only spend a tiny 650 billion on Medicare and Medicaid, we need healthcare for all, so institute trillion dollar universal healthcare program. Also make college free for everyone. Restore student aid funding, restore funding to states, hell restore all cuts, cuts are wrong. Also, invest more in alternative energy, more generous unemployment insurance, daycare help and lots more.
We will pay for all this and cutting the deficit by stopping the 80$ billion a year Iraq war. Make sense?

4. Gun Crime
Problem: Under Bush assault weapons are legal again.
Solution: Ban those guns again; by banning them that should keep criminals with criminal records from walking into stores and buying them legally. Instead they will have to get them off the street. HAHA good luck finding them there guys!

5. Government Corruption
Problem: Too many corrupt Republicans.
Solution: No change needed for us. We don't need legal tax cuts and legal regulation reductions to attract donations from business. Instead they will just keep giving us cash, just because they like what we do, no special favors needed to be given in return, no of course not.

With this plan we can turn around our country! Vote Dem in 2006!
TheDanold said:
Oh absolutely cypriss, this nation is full of problems, so here's how a Liberal Democrat run congress is gonna fix 'em.

1. Terrorism
Problem: Bush went into Iraq which had no terrorists and he lets terrorists go.
Solution: We must grant more rights to those in Guantanamo, it's unfair that they have had no trial. Also, as we all know 15 out of 19 terrorists from Sep 11, came from Saudi Arabia, so as revenge we will invade/bomb the country where they were born - that'll teach 'em. Oh yes and the Saudis don't let women drive! That's much worse than some dictator who has in the past gassed kids.
Oh yes and war in Iran needed, they have the real WMD.
With this plan terrorism will soon be a thing of the past.

2. Jobs
Problem: Unemployment not as good as in the 90's. Too many businesses going overseas.
Solution: Increase taxes on the rich and corporations, reinstate regulations Bush cut and of course add more new regulations.
These actions should help reattract job-creating business and investment.

3. Deficit Too High
Problem: The deficit has gone up by large amounts because of too much spending.
Solution: We only spend a tiny 650 billion on Medicare and Medicaid, we need healthcare for all, so institute trillion dollar universal healthcare program. Also make college free for everyone. Restore student aid funding, restore funding to states, hell restore all cuts, cuts are wrong. Also, invest more in alternative energy, more generous unemployment insurance, daycare help and lots more.
We will pay for all this and cutting the deficit by stopping the 80$ billion a year Iraq war. Make sense?

4. Gun Crime
Problem: Under Bush assault weapons are legal again.
Solution: Ban those guns again; by banning them that should keep criminals with criminal records from walking into stores and buying them legally. Instead they will have to get them off the street. HAHA good luck finding them there guys!

5. Government Corruption
Problem: Too many corrupt Republicans.
Solution: No change needed for us. We don't need legal tax cuts and legal regulation reductions to attract donations from business. Instead they will just keep giving us cash, just because they like what we do, no special favors needed to be given in return, no of course not.

With this plan we can turn around our country! Vote Dem in 2006!

The rant by The Danold, shows a poor grasp of the facts, poor reasoning skills,. and little else.

1. This section is largely a non sequitur, and what isn't is blatantly false. The Dems have never proposed that ethical treatment of the detainees at Gitmo is the solution to terrorism. However, the rights of those prosoners need to be addressed,. but people like Dano are unclear on the concept of rights of the accused. For that matter, people like Dano are unclear on just about everything. They fail utterly to grasp the simple concept that an accusation does not establish guilt. That is the purpose of a trial, and as none of the detainees has had a trial, the apparent belief on his part that they are undeserving of rights is a conclusion only a fool could reach. There is no point in attempting to explain it to him again, as he is clearly too stupid to comprehend. My only suggestion is that morons like him be thrown in prison and allowed to rot until they figure out why we have those legal rights of which he is so dismissive. Those of us with functioning brains understand that they exist to prevent innocent people from being locked up at the whim of a dictatorial government, like the Bush administration. Think that's extreme? Sorry, but only dictatorships throw people in prison without a trial. Even the USSR had phony show trials, to pretend there was some legitimacy to their authoritarian rule. Bush can't even do that. The bottom line is that Dano can't show any evidence of guilt on the part of the Gitmo prisoners.

It is true that the majority of the 9/11 culprits were Saudi. What thethe Saudi's ban on women driving has to do with invading Iraq, is clear only in Dano's fevered brain, as no Democrat has said that not allowing women to drive is worse than gassing kids. His comment to that effect is not only dishonest but also moronic, since the US knew about it at the time. Not only did we do nothing to stop him then,. we sold him the damn chemicals. Finally, he lies when he implies that his inane rant is the Democrats' plan for terrorism.

2. Another non sequitur, another lie. The tax cuts and regulations have nothing to do with job creation, or attracting investment. The tax cuts need to be repealed not because they will bring jobs, and no Dem has claimed that. They need to be repealed because they are bankrupting the country, and are in fact nmothing but a massive transfer of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the rich. It has nothing to do with jobs, any more than regulations do. The regs are in place to protect American consumers, stockholders, employees, and the environment against crooked businessmen. The regs also protect their competitors against unfair business practices. I guess Dano likes being ripped off by crony capitalists, or maybe he's just too stupid to know it's going on. Again, presenting his bullshit as a synopsis of a Democratic party plan to create jobs is typical of his falsehood-strrewn posts. Of course, like all GOP parrots, he fails to provide any evidence of positive benefits from Bush's tax cuts or deregulation by Bush , Clinton, Bush Sr., or Reagan. In fact, I'll bet he can't name one instance where deregulation has benefitted the consumer.

3. His rant here is almost devoid of facts. The Iraq war is currently costing $8 billion a month, and unless there are 10 months in year, that doesn't equal $80 billion a year, and in fact, the projected cost is over a trillion. Our current healthcare system costs us double what anybody else pays for any single payer system in the developed nations. Double. But I guess Dano doesn't like saving money on healthcare, but would rather pay more and get less. Free college education for those who qualify is a benefit to a democratic society, whic can only exist with a large, educated middle class. Dano apparently prefers corporate fascism to democrtacy. He also seems to dismiss alternative energy. I guess he thinks there is an unlimited supply of oil. Or maybe he thinks it is best to keep burning oil until it runs out, THEN look for new sources. I guess it never occurrred to him that alternative sources should be develope4d while we still have oil and latural gas supplies to use as backup sources. Apparently, planning ahead is beyond his abilities.

4. Idiocy. The idea of restricting access to assault weapons does not mean it will be impossible for criminals to get them. Only morons think that is the case. The idea is to make it less easy for them to get assault weapons. for which there is no legitimate non-military use. It isn't necessary to eliminate these weapons fromthe street. If we can cut deaths due to gunshot wounds by only 10%, that's over 3,000 lives saved a year. Yup, gun violence in the US causes 10 times the loss of 9/11 every year. Nobody else in the world is even close. For years, people have claimed that the first thing dictatorships do is take the guns. For years, I have said the first thing they do is control the press. Then they don't need the guns. And who is turning out to be right? Well, we're on the vertge of losing all of our Constitutional rights without a shot being fired, and which side are most of the gun owners on? Not the side that wants to protect our rights. So much for guns protecting our freedom.

5. Where does he even get this crap? Straw man and non sequitur. His posts are one logical howler after another, and what isn't a howler is a lie.
Hi Zoom!

I voiced your concerns to Mr Rumsfeld himself about the treatment of Guantanamo prisoners and great news - he has a great idea for you to help with them! Here's his letter below:

Dear Concerned Citizen,

Thank you for your recent letter roundly criticizing our treatment of the Taliban and Al Quaeda detainees currently being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Our administration takes these matters seriously and your opinion was heard loud and clear here in Washington. You'll be pleased to learn that, thanks to the concerns of citizens like yourself, we are creating a new division of the Terrorist Retraining Program, to be called the "Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers" program, or LARK for short.

In accordance with the guidelines of this new program, we have decided to place one terrorist under your personal care. Your personal detainee has been selected and scheduled for transportation under heavily armed guard to your residence next Monday.

Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud (you can just call him Ahmed) is to be cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in your letter of complaint. It will likely be necessary for you to hire some assistant caretakers.

We will conduct weekly inspections to ensure that your standards of care for Ahmed are commensurate with those you so strongly recommended in your letter.

Although Ahmed is a sociopath and extremely violent, we hope that your sensitivity to what you described as his "attitudinal problem" will help him overcome these character flaws. Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as mere cultural differences. We understand that you plan to offer counseling and home schooling.

Your adopted terrorist is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers. We advise that you do not ask him to demonstrate these skills at your next yoga group. He is also expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household products, so you may wish to keep those items locked up, unless (in your opinion) this might offend him.

Ahmed will not wish to interact with you or your daughters (except sexually), since he views females as a subhuman form of property. This is a particularly sensitive subject for him and he has been known to show violent tendencies around women who fail to comply with the new dress code that he will recommend as more appropriate attire.

I'm sure you will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the burka over time. Just remember that it is all part of "respecting his culture and his religious beliefs" -- wasn't that how you put it?

Thanks again for your letter. We truly appreciate it when folks like you keep us informed of the proper way to do our job. You take good care of Ahmed - and remember... we'll be watching.

Good luck!

Cordially, your friend,

Don Rumsfeld
dano cuts and pastes when he is at a loss for words....

it would be wiser, dano, if you just slithered away.
he's a smart guy. you aren't.
Yeah it takes a lot of brains to sit on your ass and mope about not being able to do anything about it, while sucking off others paychecks.
Do you even know who zoombwanker is? He'll give you his sob story about health problems, but like wanderingbear he seems to have NO trouble in writing up long winded rants, yet somehow can't work.

He's a waste of life, a living piece of shit and a complete fraud as a moderate and he knows it...
he is legally blind with parkinson's.... you would have him flip burgers like you? LOL
He could do other things, obviously he is quite capable of writing isn't he?
But he won't even try, he's one of those guys who LOVES to play the victim - essentially a Liberal.
I don't have much patience for people who give up on life at my expense...