APP - The NeverTrumpers NeverTrumper

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

The thought process of these NeverTrumpers is even more puzzling than that of lefties.

What do NeverTrumpers think they will gain? All they are doing is turning their backs on conservatives with no commensurate gain from the left. Have they learned nothing from McShamnesty ant Romney?

You can’t reason with lefties. It is impossible. They take these acts as weakness.

I regret being one of the 5% who supported Kaisich in the primaries......biggest mistake I made since voting for McGovern.....
I regret being one of the 5% who supported Kaisich in the primaries......biggest mistake I made since voting for McGovern.....

You can be forgive. I supported Cruz in the primaries. I wasn’t the biggest Trump fan in the beginning.

But unlike some who shall be nameless, you and I haven’t met pride cloud our vision of what Trump is really doing.

NeverTrumpers will never be forgiven by me. They are lower than liberals in my book