The new dog jumps fences...


Staff member
I have spent the last four days adding another foot to my fence. I used shelf brackets to extend the fence another 13 inches. I attached another portion of fence on top, then I cut off the extra portion of the bracket in the front. I had to move the electric fence (for the goats) out so that it would still be on.

I'm finally done! Man, I'm fricking SORE.

The longest portion was actually cutting the portions of fencing that was going on top of the fence....

Ever try to work on 4 acres of fencing? That's the back yard portion of the house. Nobody wants to play this game... Next time I may just hire some illegals to help me out.
It's worth it, though, to keep her safe! Wow -- 4 acres in the back? We only have about 1 1/2 in the back.
It's not as big as you might think. It is certainly visible...

However, after losing a dog to a car, jumping fences was not one of the things we were going to let continue. Nor were we going to constantly chain up the dog. That was short-term while I fixed the danged fence.

I wasted vacation days on this. But I had to spend them by the end of the year anyway...
Good Job Damo, sounds like stuff I do often.
I drove 20 fence posts yesterday evening.
Gets dark too early and I have to work with lights.....
I have spent the last four days adding another foot to my fence. I used shelf brackets to extend the fence another 13 inches. I attached another portion of fence on top, then I cut off the extra portion of the bracket in the front. I had to move the electric fence (for the goats) out so that it would still be on.

I'm finally done! Man, I'm fricking SORE.

The longest portion was actually cutting the portions of fencing that was going on top of the fence....

Ever try to work on 4 acres of fencing? That's the back yard portion of the house. Nobody wants to play this game... Next time I may just hire some illegals to help me out.

Ask Tom Tancredo where you can hire illegals. Evidently, according to news reports, he hired illegal workers to remodel his McMansion.

Well, now she's getting under the fricking thing. I have to go and put a tension wire along the bottom and tie the fricking fence to it...

This is the last attempt. If she gets out after this one... She's going back to the pound. I can't lose another dog to a car.
I have spent the last four days adding another foot to my fence. I used shelf brackets to extend the fence another 13 inches. I attached another portion of fence on top, then I cut off the extra portion of the bracket in the front. I had to move the electric fence (for the goats) out so that it would still be on.

I'm finally done! Man, I'm fricking SORE.

The longest portion was actually cutting the portions of fencing that was going on top of the fence....

Ever try to work on 4 acres of fencing? That's the back yard portion of the house. Nobody wants to play this game... Next time I may just hire some illegals to help me out.

Then quit jumping the fences!...You youngn's make me laugh!...Put em'up but don't test em'...thats my advice!