The New Jim Crow Pt. 1

The comments at the site are particularly "insightful".

You are such a hypocrite.

You refuse to watch video's or go to links, that others post; but yet, you expect others to pay attention to what you post.

What's good for the goose, is good for..................
Well, you get the picture

You are such a hypocrite.

You refuse to watch video's or go to links, that others post; but yet, you expect others to pay attention to what you post.

What's good for the goose, is good for..................
Well, you get the picture

Who is holding a gun to your head, forcing to watch the video I posted. Those that are so inclined will watch it, others, not so much. I give a shit, what you do. You're zero to me. FU
Who is holding a gun to your head, forcing to watch the video I posted. Those that are so inclined will watch it, others, not so much. I give a shit, what you do. You're zero to me. FU

I only replied; to see if you had taken me off IA - AGAIN - , or if you were going to put me back on IA - AGAIN. :pke:

And, might I say, that no one was trying to force you to watch what they posted; because no one can cure stupid.

I really get under your skin, HUH!
I only replied; to see if you had taken me off IA - AGAIN - , or if you were going to put me back on IA - AGAIN. :pke:

And, might I say, that no one was trying to force you to watch what they posted; because no one can cure stupid.

I really get under your skin, HUH!

So it is hopeless for you then?
Yes, I do believe he is hopeless. He posted a description of me, in open forum, which is a violation of the TOS.

How do know that it wasn't a description of you and instead was just something thrown out there, in an attempt to get a rise out of you?

Do you really have a uni-brow on your forehead?
Since the issue of Jim Crow has come up, I'd be interested in seeing Poets take on the following videos:
Since the issue of Jim Crow has come up, I'd be interested in seeing Poets take on the following videos:

I watched several minutes of the first video, and got the general gist. Poet is against all firearms. Poet is for repealing the 2nd amendment. I know that presents a conundrum. How then should anyone defend one's self against invaders, criminals, and the like. I don't know. But I'd like to think that firearms are not the way.
I think as in much of American life, a double standard exists. If whites are armed, why shouldn't blacks be armed? Perhaps, because guns are a method of control as well as defense. Either everybody is armed and it's the Wild Wild West, all over again...or common sense is applied and firearms are limited and restricted. How that is done, is beyond me.
Interesting pespective. I agree that it is a double standard. However I take issue with your perspective that the 'wild' west was in reality wild, as there is significant evidence to the contrary. But thank you for you answer.