the new ride

Going at 60 miles an hour down, unprotected, down a road crowded with motorized carts going just as fast that weigh several ton. Sounds like a good idea.

Motorcycles are designed to put as little between you and death as humanly possibly.
Most of the problems I had when I rode were from middle-aged men driving Buicks. They were pissed that they weren't me.
I think you can probably say that the drivers Motorcyclist fear the worst are the same ones us bicyclest fear.

I've had lots of run ins with mom in minivans, teenagers and old men in luxury cars......but the drivers I fear the most are red necks in pick up trucks. I've lost 3 fellow riders to some red neck driving a pick up who was pissed off that he had to share the road with cyclist. One of those presons was a friends 10 year old daughter. Some asshole in a PU truck got pissed cause he had his family out on a back road for a ride. He buzzed my buddy and didn't see his daughter in front of him. Ran right over her and dragged her down the road for half a mile.
Awesome. I'm actually looking to sell my bike here soon. Riding season is winding down here and it's too hard on my back these days.
I think you can probably say that the drivers Motorcyclist fear the worst are the same ones us bicyclest fear.

I've had lots of run ins with mom in minivans, teenagers and old men in luxury cars......but the drivers I fear the most are red necks in pick up trucks. I've lost 3 fellow riders to some red neck driving a pick up who was pissed off that he had to share the road with cyclist. One of those presons was a friends 10 year old daughter. Some asshole in a PU truck got pissed cause he had his family out on a back road for a ride. He buzzed my buddy and didn't see his daughter in front of him. Ran right over her and dragged her down the road for half a mile.

Shit that sucks. I hope that asshole was thrown in jail.

You're wrong on the pick-ups because most motorcyclists also own pick-ups.

Personally I think cyclists are a pain in the ass but only because it takes me a while to pass, since I insist on giving them lots of room and won't pass unless I have enough sight distance.

I used to cycle a lot when I was a kid but I don't anymore because the roads here are very narrow, and its not safe. Its OK in the developments but its too hilly in most of them.
Shit that sucks. I hope that asshole was thrown in jail.

You're wrong on the pick-ups because most motorcyclists also own pick-ups.

Personally I think cyclists are a pain in the ass but only because it takes me a while to pass, since I insist on giving them lots of room and won't pass unless I have enough sight distance.

I used to cycle a lot when I was a kid but I don't anymore because the roads here are very narrow, and its not safe. Its OK in the developments but its too hilly in most of them.
Didn't serve a day. The South Carolina deputy Sherriff didn't even site him. Said in his report that it was just an accident.

I've always tried to ride on rural areas with little traffic and I'm a prick to my fellow cyclist who don't follow the laws of the road as they get people killed too. I don't do double paces lines in high traffic and I try to keep to the berm as much as I can. That's a problem in the Carolinas as most the rural roads have about 3 inches of berm. Makes it difficult to to stay out of traffic. The hills are ussually some of the best places to ride, I'm curteous of cars that get behind me and I wave them around when I have the better line of site.

To be honese, it's really not the type of car or person driving it so much as these assholes who think the world revolves around them who are pissed off that your being in a bicycle may cost them a 3 second delay in getting somewhere and have no compunction of conscience about killing you to make up that 3 seconds. I remedy that by trying to ride where they are not.
Here's my ride!

Didn't serve a day. The South Carolina deputy Sherriff didn't even site him. Said in his report that it was just an accident.

I've always tried to ride on rural areas with little traffic and I'm a prick to my fellow cyclist who don't follow the laws of the road as they get people killed too. I don't do double paces lines in high traffic and I try to keep to the berm as much as I can. That's a problem in the Carolinas as most the rural roads have about 3 inches of berm. Makes it difficult to to stay out of traffic. The hills are ussually some of the best places to ride, I'm curteous of cars that get behind me and I wave them around when I have the better line of site.

To be honese, it's really not the type of car or person driving it so much as these assholes who think the world revolves around them who are pissed off that your being in a bicycle may cost them a 3 second delay in getting somewhere and have no compunction of conscience about killing you to make up that 3 seconds. I remedy that by trying to ride where they are not.

That's one reason I quit riding a motorcycle. Some people drive cars and have no idea what they are doing. At least I had a throttle and could gas it out of there. With a bicycle you're a sitting duck.