APP - The New Talk

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
We are always told about “The Talk” black parents supposedly have with their sons regarding interactions with the po po.

Well, in the wake of #Metoo, it is time parents have “The Talk” with their sons about relationships with women

1) Always treat women with respect and kindness. Hold doors for them

2) Never be in a situation where you are alone with a woman you don’t know well. Employ the Mike Pence Rule.

3) Conduct your interactions with ALL women as if you will be a future Supreme Court nominee

4) If you have an interaction with a woman that seems awkward, document it immediately. Send yourself an email and immortalize it. You may need it 36 years later. This can hold up in a court of law

5) Keep an electronic diary of where, what and when you did things on a daily basis. You will never know when you need to account for a particular day and defend yourself against a 36 year old allegation

6) Stay away from girls/women who use alcohol, drugs, have tattoos or are rumored to be promiscuous. They may seem like “fun”, but they are nothing but trouble

7) Only date women who attend church on a regular basis

8) Accept for your mother and your wife assume all women are liars

Even if you practice these eight habits, it won’t completely protect you from a false accusation 36 years later, but it may help. Good luck.