The New World Order


Loyal to the end
This is a long film, but free on youtube. It explains a lot of what is happening today with The Obama.

[ame=""]YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version[/ame]

It shows how the Democrat Party is pure evil, and the GOP about 1/2 evil.
Government is controlled by a variety of groups and is involved in several conspiracies. They government isn't completly controlled by a small group elites. A President can do what ever the hell he wants. He can choose to answer to the American people instead of a few elites.
Why would Obama choose to be a pown when he could have become the most powerful person on the planet. The international bankers became the greatest threat to his power after he got elected. Why didn't he sign an executive order abolising lobbyists and replacing the chairman of the Federal Reserve with someone he could trust. Obama was so popular the American people would have supported him. Then Obama could have launched an investigation into the Federal Reserve and the International Banks and started removing every banker responsible for the financial crisis. The American people would have supported him. He could have liquadated all the failing banks and gave the American people back their money instead of bailing out the banks. Then the American people would have put their money in successful or new banks/financial institutions. He then could go own to bail out manufacturing companies to create new allies. Then Obama could have announced the existance of a conspiracy to crash the economy by people on Wall Street and started a large round of purges. Obama would then have complete control over the Federal Reserve and all major American financial institutions. Congress would be unable to apose him because of massive support from the american people. Congress would have no choice but to ally with Obama or face its own destruction at the hands of the American people that love Obama. Obama would then have the power to create his own world Order dominated by a new Democratic party. Obama could have destroyed the old world order and became a hero. Exposing a conspiracy would have made him seem trust worthy while he consolidated his control over the global economy and forced the banks to serve his interests. Obama then wouldn't be hated by like Bush and could easily be reelected. Anyone who critisized him would be accused of being controlled by special interests group. Why would any choose to be Emperor Hirohito. When 308 million people believe you are the most powerful man in the world and most of them love you, you can do what ever you want. He could have choosen to be a little like Stalin and destroyed those who threatened his power. The power to say no is the most important one a president can have. He could have had more power and american support then FDR. A man that smart would know that as President he could do what ever the american people would allow him to do which means destroying The wall street people responsible for the economic callapse and setting an new agenda for America and the world. All problems would be blamed on Bush and Wall Street Bankers. The new people in charge of the economy would know that Obama could remove them from power at a moments notice they would also not be united in anything except supporting Obama and would be the enemies of the old establishment. Obama would also control the manufacturing corporations and with the elite bankers gone Politicians would find new allies and would respent the corporate world more evenly. Obama would launch investigations of any corporation that seemed not to support him. He would have all ready had every major financial institution audited by the IRS. Obama would also create his own spy network answerable and loyal only to him to spy on banks, corporations, military, and all federal agencies. People with the wrong loyalities would be fired. Obama would surround himself with people who knew it wasn't safe to work against him. With the American Bankers answerable only to Obama they would stop engaging in a global conspiracy and would be forced to restart the economy. Obama would next have America completely take over the World Bank/IMF and finish off his greatest threat to power. Obama would never let the conspiracy disappear even if he achieved total victory over the globalists Americans would have to be afraid to ensure that Congress would never be given control of economy and to keep purging any threats in government. Obama would then have the power to make the american economy grow and essentially become a dictator of America and the world. Any who appose him would be investigated and purged. Not being loyal to Obama would come to mean that you were loyal to evil banking/Corporate interests.
Why would anyone choose to be a pathetic/hated man who sold America out and got nothing in return. The Bankers made him President and he could have stabbed them in the back and been a real president that everyone would have loved instead of failure. The bankers want America to fail but that wont give Obama any power or help him get reelected. Obama had the chance for real power why didn't he take it.
Government is controlled by a variety of groups and is involved in several conspiracies. They government isn't completly controlled by a small group elites. A President can do what ever the hell he wants. He can choose to answer to the American people instead of a few elites.

Theoretically. But when a president starts saying the wrong things, He gets assassinated by the CIA, like JFK.
Why would Obama choose to be a pown when he could have become the most powerful person on the planet. The international bankers became the greatest threat to his power after he got elected. Why didn't he sign an executive order abolising lobbyists and replacing the chairman of the Federal Reserve with someone he could trust. Obama was so popular the American people would have supported him. Then Obama could have launched an investigation into the Federal Reserve and the International Banks and started removing every banker responsible for the financial crisis. The American people would have supported him. He could have liquadated all the failing banks and gave the American people back their money instead of bailing out the banks. Then the American people would have put their money in successful or new banks/financial institutions. He then could go own to bail out manufacturing companies to create new allies. Then Obama could have announced the existance of a conspiracy to crash the economy by people on Wall Street and started a large round of purges. Obama would then have complete control over the Federal Reserve and all major American financial institutions. Congress would be unable to apose him because of massive support from the american people. Congress would have no choice but to ally with Obama or face its own destruction at the hands of the American people that love Obama. Obama would then have the power to create his own world Order dominated by a new Democratic party. Obama could have destroyed the old world order and became a hero. Exposing a conspiracy would have made him seem trust worthy while he consolidated his control over the global economy and forced the banks to serve his interests. Obama then wouldn't be hated by like Bush and could easily be reelected. Anyone who critisized him would be accused of being controlled by special interests group. Why would any choose to be Emperor Hirohito. When 308 million people believe you are the most powerful man in the world and most of them love you, you can do what ever you want. He could have choosen to be a little like Stalin and destroyed those who threatened his power. The power to say no is the most important one a president can have. He could have had more power and american support then FDR. A man that smart would know that as President he could do what ever the american people would allow him to do which means destroying The wall street people responsible for the economic callapse and setting an new agenda for America and the world. All problems would be blamed on Bush and Wall Street Bankers. The new people in charge of the economy would know that Obama could remove them from power at a moments notice they would also not be united in anything except supporting Obama and would be the enemies of the old establishment. Obama would also control the manufacturing corporations and with the elite bankers gone Politicians would find new allies and would respent the corporate world more evenly. Obama would launch investigations of any corporation that seemed not to support him. He would have all ready had every major financial institution audited by the IRS. Obama would also create his own spy network answerable and loyal only to him to spy on banks, corporations, military, and all federal agencies. People with the wrong loyalities would be fired. Obama would surround himself with people who knew it wasn't safe to work against him. With the American Bankers answerable only to Obama they would stop engaging in a global conspiracy and would be forced to restart the economy. Obama would next have America completely take over the World Bank/IMF and finish off his greatest threat to power. Obama would never let the conspiracy disappear even if he achieved total victory over the globalists Americans would have to be afraid to ensure that Congress would never be given control of economy and to keep purging any threats in government. Obama would then have the power to make the american economy grow and essentially become a dictator of America and the world. Any who appose him would be investigated and purged. Not being loyal to Obama would come to mean that you were loyal to evil banking/Corporate interests.
Why would anyone choose to be a pathetic/hated man who sold America out and got nothing in return. The Bankers made him President and he could have stabbed them in the back and been a real president that everyone would have loved instead of failure. The bankers want America to fail but that wont give Obama any power or help him get reelected. Obama had the chance for real power why didn't he take it.

he didn't want to get assassinated. But it would have been nice had he done some of these things.
he didn't want to get assassinated. But it would have been nice had he done some of these things.

I don't believe in any JFK assasination conspiracy theories. Obviously some people were happy were to see him dead. JFK had gotten involved in to many sexual scandals to ever get reelected. The FBI or the CIA could have threatened to expose his secrets if sought reelection.
I don't believe in any JFK assasination conspiracy theories. Obviously some people were happy were to see him dead. JFK had gotten involved in to many sexual scandals to ever get reelected. The FBI or the CIA could have threatened to expose his secrets if sought reelection.

YOu should. There were obviously two shooters. I guess you believe in magic bullets.

JFK was making noise about opening the black box of the federal reserve, that's what got him killed.
YOu should. There were obviously two shooters. I guess you believe in magic bullets.

JFK was making noise about opening the black box of the federal reserve, that's what got him killed.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a trained marine and expert shooter. He wasn't some america that went hunting a couple of times and then decided to take out the president. He was an expert. He could shoot really quickly and accurately. Also he went to the Soviet Union. He was a communist maybe he was a soviet spy/assasin.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a trained marine and expert shooter. He wasn't some america that went hunting a couple of times and then decided to take out the president. He was an expert. He could shoot really quickly and accurately. Also he went to the Soviet Union. He was a communist maybe he was a soviet spy/assasin.

Save your lies for the idiot gallery.
This is a long film, but free on youtube. It explains a lot of what is happening today with The Obama.

YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

It shows how the Democrat Party is pure evil, and the GOP about 1/2


There's much, much more to it, Yankee.

(Excerpt) Beginning with the ancient Sumerian kings, we find references to these demigods who ruled by divine birthright. The Pharaohs of Egypt, the Incan rulers of Peru, and the dynastic kings of China and Japan all had the same tradition: that long ago the gods interbred with humans to create special lineages of humans to serve as rulers of their nations.

"Rulers of the Earth" gives an impressive analysis of historical evidence concerning extraterrestrials as "sons of God" that historically have interacted with humanity. Lewels persuasively argues that this phenomenon continues into the modern era. "Rulers of Earth" will be upsetting to more traditional practitioners of the Judeo-Christian faiths who may refuse to accept the implications of the radical findings at the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi.

The idea that the ‘God’ of the Old Testament, Yahweh/Jehovah, is in fact an “intermediary god” or extraterrestrial intent on maintaining control over humanity and eliminating extraterrestrial rivals will be deeply upsetting to many. (End)
There's much, much more to it, Yankee.

(Excerpt) Beginning with the ancient Sumerian kings, we find references to these demigods who ruled by divine birthright. The Pharaohs of Egypt, the Incan rulers of Peru, and the dynastic kings of China and Japan all had the same tradition: that long ago the gods interbred with humans to create special lineages of humans to serve as rulers of their nations.

"Rulers of the Earth" gives an impressive analysis of historical evidence concerning extraterrestrials as "sons of God" that historically have interacted with humanity. Lewels persuasively argues that this phenomenon continues into the modern era. "Rulers of Earth" will be upsetting to more traditional practitioners of the Judeo-Christian faiths who may refuse to accept the implications of the radical findings at the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi.

The idea that the ‘God’ of the Old Testament, Yahweh/Jehovah, is in fact an “intermediary god” or extraterrestrial intent on maintaining control over humanity and eliminating extraterrestrial rivals will be deeply upsetting to many. (End)

So the alien hierarchy should be resisted, right?
There's much, much more to it, Yankee.

(Excerpt) Beginning with the ancient Sumerian kings, we find references to these demigods who ruled by divine birthright. The Pharaohs of Egypt, the Incan rulers of Peru, and the dynastic kings of China and Japan all had the same tradition: that long ago the gods interbred with humans to create special lineages of humans to serve as rulers of their nations.

"Rulers of the Earth" gives an impressive analysis of historical evidence concerning extraterrestrials as "sons of God" that historically have interacted with humanity. Lewels persuasively argues that this phenomenon continues into the modern era. "Rulers of Earth" will be upsetting to more traditional practitioners of the Judeo-Christian faiths who may refuse to accept the implications of the radical findings at the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi.

The idea that the ‘God’ of the Old Testament, Yahweh/Jehovah, is in fact an “intermediary god” or extraterrestrial intent on maintaining control over humanity and eliminating extraterrestrial rivals will be deeply upsetting to many. (End)

It has nothing to do with birthright, but money. Oprah Winfrey is part of this group now too. [ame=""]YouTube - Bilderberg Group's Depopulation Plans EXPOSED![/ame]
Says she who just pulled the "D" lever in the last election. :palm:

SM, do you actually believe the Dems are conrolled by a new world order or ancient hierarchy, and that the repubs are not?

This stuff goes far beyond party lines or the divide between libs and cons. If you are going to go with the NWO theories, you can pitch out the "conservatives will save the day" ideology completely.
Winterborn is right this time, SM. Republicans are not innocent. In fact, they prefer more strict, sprawling, and totalitarian hierarchies known as multinational corporations. These collectives bear little resemblance to the canonical freedom oriented small business man entrepeneur.
So the alien hierarchy should be resisted, right?

It depends on ones point of view.

(Excerpt) The idea that the ‘God’ of the Old Testament, Yahweh/Jehovah, is in fact an “intermediary god” or extraterrestrial intent on maintaining control over humanity and eliminating extraterrestrial rivals will be deeply upsetting to many.(End)

There are rivals. As the Bible notes there are wars in the Heavens, Heavens meaning space.

Perhaps an analogy. Think of the planet as Afghanistan. First the Russian "aliens" move in. Then they leave and the Allied "aliens" move in. Are the Afghans better off with one or the other or neither?