The Night Before Christmas...

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
... In prison...

'Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the cells
The convicts were locked up
All madder than hell

Except for the lifers
Kicked back in their bunks
Heads filled with visions
Of fat little punks

When suddenly from the roof top
There arose such a roar
That the bulls thought it was
A riot for sure

The goon squad ran in
And stood ready to hit
A Lieutenant yelled out,
Who started this shit?

It came from the roof top
Sniveled a snitch
It must be a breakout
Oh, son of a bitch!

They climbed to the roof
By way of the stairs
Found a fat little freak
In red underwear

No, no, yelled the dude
I bring you good cheer
Damn, said the Captain
We found us a queer

Alright motherfucker
Get your hands on the wall
They shook him down good
Asshole and all

They beat him and threw him
Into the hole with a kick
Well so much for Christmas
They locked up St. Nick
