The Niqab Issue


Atheist Missionary
There is a big hoo-haa in the UK at the minute about Muslim women wearing the full veil; recently a female Muslim teaching assistant was suspended for refusing to remove the full face veil whilst teaching children in the presence of a male teacher.

Aside from the sheer idiocy of taking a book like the Koran as literal and absolute truth, the notion that the Koran requires women to wear the full face veil is a fallacy. The Koran states...

"Tell the faithful women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not display their beauty except what is apparent of it, and to extend their scarf to cover their bosom."

This whole full veil scenerio is made up by Islamic scholars as a method of creating the indignation and fuss that religion thrives on. It isn't possible to communicate effectively with the face covered, look how long it can take to make a point over the internet.

Obviously it isn't the government's place to legislate what people wear in their own time, but if you work in an environment where communication is required, there is no place for the veil.

Muslim clerics need to start getting a grip.
There is a big hoo-haa in the UK at the minute about Muslim women wearing the full veil; recently a female Muslim teaching assistant was suspended for refusing to remove the full face veil whilst teaching children in the presence of a male teacher.

Aside from the sheer idiocy of taking a book like the Koran as literal and absolute truth, the notion that the Koran requires women to wear the full face veil is a fallacy. The Koran states...

"Tell the faithful women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not display their beauty except what is apparent of it, and to extend their scarf to cover their bosom."

This whole full veil scenerio is made up by Islamic scholars as a method of creating the indignation and fuss that religion thrives on. It isn't possible to communicate effectively with the face covered, look how long it can take to make a point over the internet.

Obviously it isn't the government's place to legislate what people wear in their own time, but if you work in an environment where communication is required, there is no place for the veil.

Muslim clerics need to start getting a grip.

The change must come from the women themselves. No group who holds power has ever given up that power willingly. And stipulating that unless a woman wears a veil and lowers her eyes and basically follows men around in awe, she is not true to her religion, is power. It's power.

And it's the women who must take their own power back.

Alas, it involves religious belief. So it will be a long time in coming, if ever.
Especially when the women get suckered deeper into the religion and become militant. The woman in case here arrived at her interview without a veil and only started wearing it in the class-room. She is militant and seems to be trying to make a case that isn't even justified by her mythological book.

The problem is entirely that of religion, the suckers that follow it and the corrupt men who preach, interpret and dictate the doctrine.
Especially when the women get suckered deeper into the religion and become militant. The woman in case here arrived at her interview without a veil and only started wearing it in the class-room. She is militant and seems to be trying to make a case that isn't even justified by her mythological book.

The problem is entirely that of religion, the suckers that follow it and the corrupt men who preach, interpret and dictate the doctrine.

Well said.