APP - The non apology apology strikes again

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Looks like a DNC staffer is trying to walk back his anti semitic actions while at the DNC. He says he is sorry now. He is only sorry he got caught. He isn't sorry about anything. They were trying to take down Bernie Sanders and today's internet age is tearing down the old world order. The elites are in a scramble.

I can see the elites one day eschewing modern day communications altogether after things like this.They have been colluding like this for years only now that they have been lazy hiding behind modern communications it is easier for them to get caught.

I am stunned at the silence of JPP libs given all of the controversy swirling around their upcoming convention. It is like they are pretending it isn't even happening. Cognitive dissonance is a beautiful thing
After all the mud slinging they threw, during the RNC, they're worried of the spanking they know they're going to get; now that not only is Hillary's behavior been exposed, but also the behavior of her party.
After all the mud slinging they threw, during the RNC, they're worried of the spanking they know they're going to get; now that not only is Hillary's behavior been exposed, but also the behavior of her party.

That is true. If you judge things by the volume of posts and threads by the left, you would think there wasn't even a democrat party nomination going on. Of course, when all is said and done the the left will claim that their convention was a rousing success owing solely to Crooked Hillary's leadership and choice of Keane for VP. Can there be any doubt whatsoever?
That is true. If you judge things by the volume of posts and threads by the left, you would think there wasn't even a democrat party nomination going on. Of course, when all is said and done the the left will claim that their convention was a rousing success owing solely to Crooked Hillary's leadership and choice of Keane for VP. Can there be any doubt whatsoever?

No there isn't any doubt; because they do the same thing, every 4 years.
They want to talk shit, offer supposition, conjecture, assumptions, and fabrications; but the minute they get caught, they hide, deflect, deny, and ignore.
It's the liberal way.
Did you see Crooked Hillary's response to this scandal on 60 Minutes last night? She channeled her inner Obama. "I don't know anything about these emails".

When asked if the DNC should be impartial she said "I don't know anything about these emails and it would be inappropriate for me to comment"

She is sinking fast and unfortunately it could lead to Trump in the White House. What a shame the democrat party couldn't put up a better nominee
July surprize. Not much of a surprise. How long have we been talking about her bagage ?

Assange says he has emails that will lead to Crooked Hillary's arrest. I think that is a bit strong because as I have alway said and Comey confirmed, the hive will always protect the hive. But, if it is worse than what is coming out now it will cost her the election
Did you see Crooked Hillary's response to this scandal on 60 Minutes last night? She channeled her inner Obama. "I don't know anything about these emails".

When asked if the DNC should be impartial she said "I don't know anything about these emails and it would be inappropriate for me to comment"

She is sinking fast and unfortunately it could lead to Trump in the White House. What a shame the democrat party couldn't put up a better nominee

This is going to be funny, if the votes for President turn into a 4 way split.
Bernie gets 25% of the votes
Hillary gets 30% of the votes
Trump gets 42% of the votes
And the other 3% gets divided between the write ins, with Trump being declared the winner.

For the next 4 years all we would hear is Trump didn't win, because 58% of the people didn't vote for him; but they would ignore that 70% of the people didn't want Hillary and 75% didn't want Bernie. LOL
"Inappropriate for me to comment".

Too bad she doesn't invoke this type of diplomacy when playing to racial politics that cost police lives.